Dead By Daylight VS Friday The 13th Game

Read more Dead by Daylight โžœ

Which do you prefer? Both fun games #dead_by_daylight #fridaythe13ththegame #ps4 #ps5 #xboxgaming.


33 thoughts on “Dead By Daylight VS Friday The 13th Game”

  1. I'd say DBD as even though the game is basic as hell (Still doing generators for all these years), i still feel like people have a fighting chance more in this game then Friday the 13th.

  2. Dbd has more replayability and more ways to spice up gameplay as well as faster gameplay as killer cause in Friday I feel like half the time is just walking around, looking for a counselor but Friday is scarier because Jason feels like an unstoppable force and they can give him all the abilities and powers. Dbd has smaller maps and faster characters so the game feels quicker and overall more fun though Iโ€™m not scared playing it

  3. I gotta choose Friday the 13th because there's more you can do in the game especially as a counselor, you can escape in many ways, actually fight back against jason, if you get grabbed by jason another person can save you, use a pocket knife, or get lucky to escape, actually have to look for items to use your escapes, and my most favorite killing jason, because its not that normal beat it up till it dies, you have to do certain tasks to kill jason, my favorite step is getting Jason to take his mask off because its like all the counselors fighting jason, and its like a horror movie final fight.

  4. Friday is better because it has much more interesting mechanics that allow for versatility of goals ans aproaches. That constantly change depending where you are, what you have, how many councelors are alive, what councelors are alies, what has been done up to the present moment and how much time is left till the time runs out. In DBD you repair generators to open a doors while runing away and dropping hatches.


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