Dead by Daylight WEEKLY COMPILATION! #122

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New series showing all my highlights from the days stream in one bite-size editing video, enjoy!

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22 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight WEEKLY COMPILATION! #122”

  1. I hate that there's a thing called "pro" in this game. When in reality they're just a bunch of tryhards with StretchRes and Filters in comms.

    They have infinite exhaustion perks and hits, because by the time you can get someone down there's the bodyblock + the new unexhausted person.

    Followed by pre dropping every safe pallet. While the others heal and get ready for the next bodyblock.

    Plus they get the most out of a single perk, cuz they know who has which. Efficiency at its most.

    What's the "Pro" move there, ffs!? 😫
    They're playing the game in Easy Mode! mg!

    I don't find any "special" skill in running behind your injured teammate ready to get the next hit, for someone to get called "Pro". Not in this game.

    I just hate it. Stretch res gives a huge advantage. I wanna say u can't be called "Pro" if u use Stretch res. You're just a wannabe Pro. But it is what it is.

    There might only be a 0.01% of players that are Pro's, for real. IF THAT EVEN EXISTS (lol) in this not well-balanced game

  2. I remember years ago I got flammed on the forums for merely suggesting the Egc should start if 3 survivors are dead and less than 2 gens are done.

    Getting bombarded with “why should the killer have that kind of advantage”

    My response
    “Because he played better”

  3. I agree with True at clip 3:18. I will stop playing killer at a certain level for months just to drop back down. Matches should be random instead of ranking! No one wants to play tryhards after tryhards after tryhards. It’s stressful & boring.

  4. I've been teaching my 6 year old sister how to play Dbd, I use PC while she uses my console.
    after watching me play killer for so long, she shocked me at how well she could follow my scratchmarks trail in a custom game where we practiced.

    She actually understood loops to a point! It's crazy, can't wait to be able to play in a real match as a swf with her once she understands the game better.


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