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Yeah i feel that
Ok boomer
1st baby
Swe been smoking that kush
Wait until goes against the black chick with dreads crouching in the grass on certain maps. I 📞 that game Salt by Daylight for a reason
first miss like ehh than u walked right past m
HAHAHA poor Mainman, I really do love watching him play DbD though, fun to see him improve and also learn Pyramid Heads perspective.
Man I laughed so hard your facial expressions were so genuine and fun to watch 🤣
Congratulations, you are now the actual BubbaTheChansawer.
Aka. BubbaTheFacecamper aka. BubbaTheHardcoreTunneler aka. BubbaTheChainsawRunner aka. BubbaTheNOED'er aka.InsidiousBasementBubba aka. BubbaTheSawyer.
Or as we all like to call it
That's tragic… But Its good to look back and laugh at your mistakes instead of taking them too seriously.
As a Bubba enjoyer I can relate, I sometimes even lose people on chase.
he's cracked dude
Just turn visuals to low from ultra and it Will never happen again
""Please be patient, I'm a Tekken player. My eyes can't move more than 10 degrees to the side""
Me too mainman.. me too
We are all getting to old for this sh*t.
man its true though, when my dad plays 3D games he goes full pepega
:tmmOld: 👴🏻
The Tekken 1 Fiji theme 😂😂😂
i love that TMM always calls himself "old" and he's just 36, imagine when he is going to have 60? he's going to say that he is a mummy? LOL
typical blendette
I didn't see him either.
I mean, if you need a big red arrow to point it out, it might be an easy thing to miss
No commentry on any of CEO 2021 Tekken grand matches ? Not even Grand Final between Ash & Anankin?
No wonder he didn’t see him, there was a big red arrow blocking him
you can see him aging rapidly in this clip ✔️
Boomer by Daylight