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  1. I say let the MMR drop and show the game for what it really is, that way the devs either put out the fire or watch it burn and have someone else rebuild from the ashes.

  2. Remember when STBFL and Unrelenting was "The machine gun" build? The perks both decreased the 'wipe and grip' your weapon animation, and the effects stacked. You got around 66% reduced successful attack cooldown reduction and a 56% missed attack cooldown reduction. If a survivor was caught crouching behind something and trying to hide, you basically just one shot them. If they were running when you hit them, if both killer and survivor kept moving in a straight line, you could hit them again within five seconds. I'm pretty sure this is when the game changed from a 'Hide from the killer' average playstyle to 'Loop the killer' average playstyle.

  3. I am not kidding, the playerbase would be in an outrage if there was a reverse BT perk. Ie: the survivor just gets downed if they unhook right in front of killers. Really reminds you of how BS and safe unhooking became. Killers are only a threat so long as they can pressure the survivors. Those new perks really put some pressure on the killers, they did. Nowadays every single survivor plays the 'hit me, so you can't grab me' game while unhooking.

  4. We need to not forget that also at that time, Moris were instant. Oh those were the days of Hillbilly's chainsawing down the aisle into the nearest Meg, and then promptly being instantaneously "removed" from the game. Honestly its hilarious to go back and watch old DBD clips now. Lots of things have changed, for better or for worse is entirely up to you.

  5. This is why I've always preferred playing killer. Back in the day, those spots had zero gameplay so you had to deal with leaving survivors unless you had a gimmick for stopping it. Fun bus, wrecker's yard, etc, made the game too easy for survivor. I couldn't in good conscience play as survivor because if you were "good" it just meant you knew where the killer could never get you. I got sick of the game after playing against a trapper and being the last one alive still completing 3 generators and opening the exit gate because it was literally impossible for him to get me. The 1v1's used to impossible, but now they've just graduated to giving up all gens for that one good chase.

  6. Absolutely agree. Hope mmr will be good and also show important data to us. For now the game in not balanced at all, because of heavy issue caused by bad devs decision making (marketing Influeces?). Survivor solo experience can be really bad, and killer vs object of ossession genrushing teams is really broken and terrible.

  7. So this is essentially why the matchmaking right now is so terrible and will put a rank 15 up against red ranks occasionally? I'm gonna have to say that if that's the intent then it's flawed because all it ends up doing is making plenty of players who love the game get frustrated at how extremely powerless they felt early on, add on all the BMing and yeah. I started playing in November with 3 other friends, but now I'm the only one that actually plays it because even at really low rank, they were being matched up against people they didn't stand even a bit of a chance against. And then from the other perspective, I have to wonder how that's even fun, completely overpowering someone clearly new at the game, I've watched enough from streamers now to see that the most fun they've shown is when it's a good group of survivors vs a good killer, not when it's lopsided.

  8. Stop playing this game then. I did it. Now I just watch DBD content that was selected by the content creator because people were not playing efficiantly, so they are fun.

  9. I think the multi-window shack was only in the beta, but similarly busted loops like the two-vault cow tree did make it into the full release, as well as the other things he listed such as the lack of bloodlust, the lack of entity blockers, unkickable generators, full-speed self heal, permanent hook sabotage, vacuum pallets, double pallet loops, and standing fast vaults that are faster than the fast vaults we have today.

  10. This is a really interesting theory, and honestly I wouldn't be surprised if this ended being the case.

    Another thing I also think about, is if it's also because the game is difficult to learn.

    Not necessarily that the game is hard to be good at, but what if it's also because it's horrendously unintuitive? That would explain why there are so many bad players, that keep the game fun.

    Dead by Daylight has a very interesting (albeit broken) meta, chasing is a very fun and intricate part of the gameplay (most of the time.) However, it's not really something you can learn intuitively by just playing the game. Well I suppose you can, but it's VERY difficult to pick up on your own just by intuition. The game's tutorial is dog shit, all it does is show you how the game works, but nothing more intricate than that. Even back then, there was no tutorial, save for a giant wall of text.

    Like optimal routing for loops and understanding the best way to run tiles, when to save pallets, how to bait pallets, etc. The game does absolutely NOTHING to guide the players into being able to figure that out on their own. I'm pretty certain most people learn optimal survivor gameplay from watching others on Youtube who are already good, or from friends, but never from just playing the game.

    Obviously there are some people that managed to figure out how to play the game well on their own, but it's so rare that you're always going to end up with a pool of bad players. So I wonder if the game is so unintuitive, that it creates enough bad players to keep the game fun.

    Interesting topic to think about for sure.

  11. Gen speed to chase speed is so unfair I popped a gem with pop goes the weasel the gem was completed by one survivor in the time it took me to hit and hook survivor who was out-positioned which probably took 15 seconds

  12. Killers in 2016: Vaulted slower, kicked pallets slower, DIDN'T HAVE A LUNGE SWING, had no gen slow down perks, dealt with an even higher level of toxic survivors, could get fully blinded in less than a second by a survivor with good add-ons, longer pick up animation, longer hook animation, and no bloodlust, just to name a few things. Killers have been the backbone of this game since the start and when veteran players keep on leaving DBD's only saving grace will be new players coming in and making the game bearable again.

  13. i am the worst player ever , once i am hooked i suicide out i dont want to play anymore. thats why i never never rank up. or if the killer finds me at the very start i get hooked and leave. i take zero bad luck now. sick of it. things go well or i am not interested i wont tolerate the shit anymore.

  14. Me: loops killer for ten minutes, protects teammates, sacrifices item to keep teammates in game
    My Teammates: So you need me to body block? The killer doesn’t have NOED, so I could do it
    Me: So you’ll do it?
    Teammate: Nah, you’re on your own

    I stayed with the same people, didn’t protect them for the entire game and only used my skills to keep myself safe, and as for my teammates, they made their beds, they had to sleep in them


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