Dead By Daylight Youtubers

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I feel like its the Dark Souls days and I’m making fourteen videos of weapons that have the exact same moveset.


28 thoughts on “Dead By Daylight Youtubers”

  1. honestly its worse with the survivor players from what i see… spine chill, resilience, we get it damn. its not a problem until they force the same joke or phrase more times than ive claimed im never playing dbd again. a certain 2 people come to mind

  2. Scott you do realize we watch you play so we don't have to right? Now keep suffering for our amusement ❤️

    For real tho, thank you for uploading. I get too frustrated when I play myself

  3. It's only half about seeing perks and skillful play though. The other half is just seeing their personality and communication style. Every game isn't supposed to be ground breaking, it's just a bit of fun entertainment, while maybe learning a trick here and there.

  4. Oh, there's also
    Hello guys, look at me talking about possible future killers and chapter, and no, i haven't listed the same characters in the last 49 "What killer should be in DBD" videos

  5. Literally every monto video ever 🤦🏽‍♂️ he gets angry at anyone (including me) for calling it out even respectfully/jokingly lol. Like I get it. Make your bread, dont get mad lmao. He calls it a "series"😂


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