Dead by Daylight's Forgotten Meta Perk

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In this video I wanted to bring light to I think currently one of the most underrated perks in the game, Whispers!

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38 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight's Forgotten Meta Perk”

  1. 40 seconds in and looking forward to the rest of the video! YES WHISPERS!! It's sorely underrated and chef kiss for Nurse not having to waste time slowly floating around when she knows a survivor isn't in the area. So very good

  2. I've stayed using whispers and when I stream it's always the less experienced players coming and asking "hey why use whispers, just use lethal and I'm like ??? Uhhhh cause constant value everytime wym??????

  3. Lethal pursuer > whispers
    With perks that gives you auras like the dredge’s locker perk and the new knight’s Gen kicking perk, or even just floods of rage, whisper just isn’t that valuable as it used to be for information

  4. Btw I really like, how you show every perk your talking about for a short duration, so one knows, what it does, especially, if your new to the game. For example I have a friend, who just started DBD and I told him, that watching vids helped me out a lot in my beginners time, so it's a great opportunity for him.

  5. I used to be unable to play without it until SBMM, when I had to drop it becouse I really needed a 4th slowdown :V Then I dropped slowdowns becouse they are boring but forgot about Whisperers… I have to give it a try again, even if it is only for the nostalgia.

  6. I'm sorry but whispers is a worse Leathal Pursuer because lethal can give that eary game boost AND buff any other aura perks, and isn't just being useful on high mobility killers, ie. Ghostface

  7. I still think it's an extremely underrated perk that people should consider using more. Especially now that you don't need BBQ for points. I don't think there is a single other information perk in the game that can't be countered in some way. No auras for distortion to block, can't be countered by soloing gens, and can't be countered by Calm Spirit. Granted the information you get from it is slightly less useful, but at bare minimum you know a survivor is nearby if the perk lights up so you no longer are questioning whether there actually is a survivor hiding nearby or not.
    I think the best overall build atm is Call of Brine, Eruption, Corrupt Intervention, and Whispers. Early game stall, slowdown, and tracking.

  8. God i remember using this perk all the time back in the day. But now that Lethal Pursuer has been buffed, and now that ive grown addicted to aura reading builds, i've barely touched it. Maybe i should get back onto it with doc or something, like the good old days, back when doc had two entirely separate forms if he wanted to shock or swing, and had a passive madness buildup

  9. I think the issue is so many tracking perks have come out that the """skill and time""" (putting that in big quotes because it isn't THAT hard to learn) it takes puts people off compared to something like Discordance, Lethal, BBQ, Floods Of Rage etc etc which effectively does what whispers does with less thinking involved.


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