Dead by Daylight's Future Looks BAD

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36 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight's Future Looks BAD”

  1. DBD has so much potential with what is there now, but they have no ideas. How about "Entities Choice" game mode all random perks, no friends. Another mode with 2 killers and 8 survivors on new special maps. Make select perks become passives for all survivors and killers. Make the entity start blinding killers when they camp any hook but the last. Just some ideas but they need to shake up the meta. The perks are horrendous there is no variety.

    I played F13 before DBD and majority of people I met there were DBD players starving for something new. Everytime I try non meta fun builds I'm constantly reminded why I use the better perks.

  2. you’re so inteligent jay, i stopped played because its always the same thing, the mmr is terrible, you dont have nothing new and cool to change it, they are lost with this game, they need help or, game will die in two years

  3. You are not being a negative Nancy, as someone who has played this game just as long as you I agree. It’s the same game from years ago. Bad maps. Killers have no new strats Camping tunneling. Slugging. It’s like I’m playing the same person every match. Don’t get me started on how my high mmr places me with cheaters. Can’t tell who is legit or just cheating. This games foundation is crumbling

  4. I uninstalled DBD months ago playing survivor is the most boring thing ever all u do is sit on gens nothing else and playing killer is super annoying I hardly ever go against good survivors just op perks I hardly ever get outplayed just out perked it’s really annoying to lose to bad players who get to escape because they all ran op perks with op items like keys then they act like it took skill to do what they did.

  5. I've been playing for 5 months and I had fun and made it to red ranks as killer and purple as survivor before SBMMR. Now it's just dog shit. Survivor is just being facecamped or literally chased the whole game for 3-5 gens to be left by my teammates to die on first hook and killer side I either get brand new survivors I walk all over or 4 man swfs that just absolutely dominate me. There is no in between. This game is complete shit right now anyone who defends it needs serious help. – A fellow San Antonio resident.

  6. you say you don’t play for your pleasure, please do what you like, im gonna watch you
    no matter what honestly, i’ve played this game for years, and i see many people quitting the game. it’s not fucking surprising, i have 3 k hours on the game, and it’s absolutely sad that i feel like i could be playing a fun game, i dont think dbd is ever gonna try either, all bhvr cares for is money, and it’s fucking sad
    anyway, good video, thanks for entertaining me again

  7. What would be cool I think if they made a mode where 2 killers and be 8 survivors in a match, and the survivors have to find parts and blueprints to build something like a wind mill to power the exit gate, or maybe even just have to complete 10 generators. Just something different ya know! Love the vids Jaee!

  8. I liked the video, Jaee!

    I agree with most of the points presented in the video. They've neglected the game in regards to new content and fresh gameplay. It's been a pallet/gen/smack/hook simulator since 2016. The game itself has arguably been going nowhere since Of Flesh and Mud; the inclusion of Myers could honestly be when the game could've went in a wonderful direction, but the developers have trouble with balance which translates on practically all licensed maps, perks, etc.

    I don't agree with where DbD is going, but I disagree that the future of it is "bad". The top 10% of players could leave, if it even scratches that in the event of the worst balance since 2016, but the remaining casual players the game holds likely won't leave. They constitute the bulk of the game and contribute to its present success greatly. Also, the game just holds so much control because of its licenses. When I joined back in 2017 Laurie Strode was what attracted me.

    As for competition, VHS likely won't have any impact on DbD. I doubt it'll put a dent in it until those regular players start siphoning into the game. For how it seems from the Discord and other channels, the game in its closed beta will probably pull from the exhausted, top DbD players which in the end won't amount to very much in my opinion. I really hope another Last Year/HSHS situation doesn't occur- albeit it seems like the developers so far care about their game. Aaaand….I'm also very excited to play it!!

  9. 5:55 u got me, i feel so bad about that stupidly changed they made to billy, he was súper strong and now is even the shadow it used to be, and he was balanced!! Just like deathslinger was and now they nerf him for no reason, they are priorizing hyper casual pple over veterans and tryhard ppl… Thats not making sense, stopped playing it and gonna test vhs, everyone con DBD comunity needs a fresh air

  10. Im a suviver main and I can see the boom totems being bad for the game espicly when you face 4 players run the same suvivers and boom totems I've seen some really good streamers get bodied by players useing the boom totems

  11. I wish Identity V was on Consoles because I think then, DBD would have a good competitor (aside from VHS of course) and finally get Behavior to start paying attention to the community.

  12. The most fun I have on dbd is in a custom kyf. That way I know i'm gonna have solid interaction and see a wide variety of loadouts and playstyles.
    In ranked I only enjoy killer coz it's a nice refresher to rotate the roster, but even then the variety is limited due to the survivors using only meta builds and wanting that sweet sweet escape mmr increase asap 😅

  13. dbd needs to add a casual mode where ppl can chill and not try hard all the time in ranked, also limit party size for ranked, i think a full ranked party is unfair for killers.

    imo i think they should add more game play beside gens/chase/hooking, something as an end game stage for both sides, to help the side whos losing to get a chance for a come back or a 50-50 gamble that will either make the game super easy for you, or punish you for bad decision making

  14. I like dbd but I'm a newb to playing it. I miss Last year, when it first came out it was a good rival for dbd but then the game died and got shut down. it's hard to say what would need to change to make the game better but getting rid of the trash skill based thing that no one asked for and was done poorly, adding something like this to a game like dbd has to be done right. I think Identity V did it right where dbd is failing.

  15. Can you run my solo gen for survivor. It’s one of my three I like to run. Distortion, fast track, repressed alliance, and deja vu. I would love to see others do good with this build.

  16. Imo what the game needs to get back into a decent state is a mass bug patch and reworks for some maps and perks. I cant count the amount of times ive hit someone thru a pallet but it doesn’t register. They also need a playlist for casual games and to completely remove the resident evil map since its easily the worst map in the game. Nobody wants to play against a sweaty oni or 4 man swf after a long day and its obvious.

  17. 2 killer mode has been asked for since 2016 and still nothing…. it would be a really fun mode that could have SBMM completely off so it wont be taken seriously and no ranks. Just a fun 2v8 10 gen mode so killers can finally play w a buddy and u can have big discord lobbies and mess around.


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