Dead by Daylight's License Problem

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I’m sure many will disagree, but even so, I’m getting a little tired of DBD’s constant licensed chapters. That’s not to say that the chapters themselves are bad – most of them aren’t, which is what really matters – just that I’d rather see original content.

As always, thanks for taking time out of your day to watch one of my videos. Whether you agree or disagree with this video’s thesis, it’s all love. Let me know in the comments how you feel!


20 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight's License Problem”

  1. There are plenty of licenses I want to see in DBD, however I enjoy a ton of their original Killers. Sure some don't hit (skull merchant), but the ones that do hit hit hard and become a Killer I want to learn and play more with. I really hope they do a year of original chapters, but I get why they won't

  2. They can stop with the licenses once they add Springtrap. (This is a joke, but I am serious when I say I want him in the game)

    But. Yeah. So many licenses means you genuinely have to pay for a lot of the game, as well as means we get less original stuff. 🙁

  3. I want more og characters like unknown
    Honestly my fav og chapter they've done
    Between the survivor, killer, map and lore, it was an ez 10/10
    Just no more skull merchant/knight/singularity chapters
    Imo, all 3 of those chapters sucked

  4. Well said. I was buying every chapter on release since 2017 up until Tools of Torment. That chapter 100% killed my faith in BHVR to deliver quality content.

    This video was definitely needed in the DbD community. We say "Yay [insert liscence here] is in DbD" and totally forget about the balance issues, company time restrictions, and quality deficit that comes with new content.

    Dead by Daylight's balance could use a 3-6 month period of no new DLC's. Instead providing balance changes like the coming Knight & Singularity power buffs as well as a touch-up to older perks. The effects of these updates help build community-dev trust, and give different players a feeling of variety in their play style.

    Given, that might not do the best for a reliable tri-monthly profit margin. Understanding that, one can see how improving older content would drive up the sales of multiple individual DLC's. If Freddy/Myers get buffed more players buy them.

    This is an important video for DbD. I'm happy to see other in-depth views on the content released by BHVR. You're doing The Entity's work, my friend.

  5. Came for Resident Evil (mostly Leon Kennedy), stayed for Stranger Things (I was late since it was already gone in Late 2021. However, I was lucky to buy the Nightmare Edition in August 2022 where I main Steve Harrington and I still do).

  6. Finally. Someone that says what is on my brain. I LOVE the original chapters. I love the Singularity, I love the Knight, I love Dredge, I love the Unknown (even if my expectations were a bit different because of the teaser), and a lot of these original chapters are so cool. I want more sci-fi horror ones cuz we've got ONE in the form of Singularity. My issue with the original chapters is they sometimes get a raw deal. This is just because BHVR is..BHVR.

    I was so excited to play Singularity and when I did on release day, he was difficult to understand, hard to play, and the counterplay was kind of easy to disable his power. Knight was so cool but his power was lacking and was only good for spawning directly on pallets or 3-genning before putting in the haste and adding more QOL changes but he's still kind of add-on dependent (never taking off map of the realm). Skull Merchant COULD be cool but 3-gen was the only thing she was good at because she was bad at everything else. When the Unknown came out, I was so happy he wasn't just a FUN killer but a good killer too. It's the only one to my current memory where I can go 'man good original chapter.'

    I think the first impressions are important because without the name brand like Wekser, Nemesis, Chucky, etc., you'll get stuck as the '3-gen killer' 'the killer that needs five steps ahead to play' 'the anti-loop only killer' or the 'locker rng killer.' Even if there's some changes that's made these killers better to play as and against, it seems to me at least that these original characters are always getting some raw end of the deal SOMEWHERE in their creation and it's unfortunate.

    There's also licensed chapters that have the exact same issue and sell well but that's the thing, it's a licensed big name. It's like…buying a shirt from wall mart because you know 'wall mart' but not from the lesser known clothing shop down the street. The big name brand is gonna get more people because it's already recognized.

    I just think it's really unfortunate. Some of the killers I was excited for turn people away for one reason or another, including myself. I never even purchased Unknown solely because I think it's a cool killer but not something into, since I was expecting an analog horror killer instead of like grenade launcher demon. I love the power, it's fun but man do I wish such a similar thing would happen to the other original chapters.

    As a side note, I came to DBD for no licensed chapters. Absolutely blind playing the game for the first time. I'm sure there's a minority of us that's also done the same and maybe got excited for licenses or original chapters that came later down the pipeline. I personally really enjoy the original chapters more than the licensed chapters.

  7. I know the topic of this video but I would love if they added James Sunderland to the game. They already have multiple others plus it makes no sense that his own personal tormenter (pyramid head) is in the game without him. This would also work perfect with the Silent Hill 2 remaster drop.

  8. Licensed content is really good and needed for the game, I actually prefer original content in practice over licensed but I'd just want the big names like Friday the 13th, FNAF, Predator, Slenderman and ST to get into the game so they can stop being requested. Some licenses do seem just pointless though like Sadako or DND Vecna, no one really asked for those characters and an original character would've been better designwise too. Plus, seeing Castlevania come into DBD is just super lame as well, no one wanted Castlevania and it just ruins the possibility of seeing an ORIGINAL vampire by DBD. I'd want to see more original monster tropes by Behaviour TBH, it's crazy that we haven't seen an original spider or a zombie in the game yet.

  9. I'm not going to be harsh about this because you have some valid points. I think that they are adding way too many licenses, and I hope that at least next year we will see some more original content. However, I will say if it wasn't for this licensing stuff happening, I probably never would have seen my dream chapter come true, which is Castlevania.

    Anyway, besides that, original characters are really starting to suck, and licensed characters are turning into the best ones to play as and so this Problem one way or another Needs to Be Fixed Soon.

  10. original dbd killers are not that great
    the recent original killers have been
    boring… not fun… pain in the butt…
    even if i dont have money to play as those licensed characters are more fun than yamaoka member number 7
    (i love unknown but hes weak for me)

  11. I came for the lore and Huntress. I stayed for Ghostface and Leon. I watched DBD lore videos for about a year and a half before I actually picked up the game. My favorite part is still the lore. That's just the kind of dork I am.

  12. Maybe it’s just me but I found it greedy that we could only but Vecna & the survivor with Auric cells.
    I know it’s licensed but it’s dbd creating their own versions of these characters no? So their own creation other than where they come from?
    Maybe I’m overthinking it or don’t know something but I find it greedy


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