Dead by Daylight's Shocking Longevity

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The gaming industry is changing, for better or for worse; regardless, Dead by Daylight caught a wave of momentum nearly seven years ago and hasn’t let its foot off the gas. In this video, I just wanted to appreciate DBD’s staying power and reminisce for a moment. Hope you enjoy 🙂

And before you ask, yes: that is the Until Dawn skull in the thumbnail. It looks neat and I wanted to use it, sue me. Or, wait… don’t sue me. Please. I can’t afford that right now. Dude, I’m begging you, please don’t sue me. I’ll start working on an apology video right now if you let me off with a warning.



33 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight's Shocking Longevity”

  1. The last few moments of this video made me emotional man😢. Thanks for making this video, this game has given me so much memories for the past few years. I hope you guys also had a nice time in this game

  2. DbD was the first and only game I ever pre-ordered, and I have no regrets.
    This game has that slasher itch I've been craving, so I keep coming back.
    I'm not sure if I'm ready for the eventual death of it but, at least I was here to see it grow and eventually wither.

  3. 9000 hours in. 😂
    I think fading/burnout are most likely going to be the death of dbd.

    Another one I think that can kill it off is if we have say a giant publisher like a Blizzard, Epic or Rockstar decided to put out a big budget dbd like game and made the entry fee way lower with a higher production quality. Someone with Blizzard or epic money would have a ton of funds to lure people in with crossover content. Imagine playing as Ariana Grande saving Lara Croft while Roman Reigns is getting chased by the Predator. 😂 But I think this is unlikely as publishers would rather play as safe as possible nowadays and just focus on proven live service games, copy paste sequels or sports titles. 😂

    Scandal Im not so sure, there are always gonna be people who don't care that their favorite were made together by a group of men who systematically harassed someone into unliving themselves as long as their favorite characters get new cosmetics. Just look at lengths fans will go to to defend their favorite content creators even tho there is no time benefit to them doing so.

  4. I just got into the game about a month ago. I’m already seeing how this game will consume my soul. I’ll definitely be here for that decade monument. ♥️

    Delete Nurse, shackle Blight’s foot, and make Deadhard break your ankles. Thank you. ☺️
    Jokes aside (kinda), and outside of balancing. Leaver penalty should not be 40 seconds. I’ve had so many games where my teammate sees a Nurse, Blight or Spirit and just instantly DCs, unalives themself on hook, or just feeds the entire game. Leaving a match, no matter if it’s the beginning or end, should have a much more harsh punishment. I’m guilty of leaving at the end of the game if I’m being slugged so my teammate can have a chance at hatch. I still think I shouldn’t have a 40s suspension. Slugging is a strategy, a strategy I use when I play killer. One of the very few things I like about Overwatch (ik, ew, Blizzard) is the suspensions. Going from 15min, 30min, 1h, 3h, so on. Fix this, and I think the game’s lifespan will be increased. And a lot of people’s enjoyment.

  5. "I wouldn't go as far as calling Dead by Daylight my favorite game of all time, but it may be the most important to me…" Damn, if that doesn't sum up how I feel about this game I don't know what does. Also, Ocarina of Time was my favorite game of all time till Breath of the Wild came out LOL, but yea, you were very on point with that remark and this video as a whole!

  6. metaphors on point as always, food. i feel as though we're in an age right now of games just… not dying out. with the internet making communities most close-knit than they've ever been, even games like TF2 that are no longer receiving support have a ripe community. It's hard to believe that time could kill off some of these games unless the entire generations who're loyal to them pass away themselves.

  7. This video was tugging on my heart a bit around the end and made my eyes a wee bit watery too lol. DbD is very important to me, so I really hope we can all have a few more good years with it🖤

  8. Hey Das Food I loved your video,
    but I was thinking of one alternative "ending" you only mentioned partly:
    As you said DBD could die due to a new game they would announce being DBD2 or something.
    I am thinking about similiar outcome to what happened to Overwatch. Don´t get me wrong I love the amount of new content that DBD gives us almost monthly. But especially when looking at the mass and variety of killers and perks we already have I am rather afraid they could run out of ideas or break the game somehow by dropping unfinished killers and perks. Looking at the twins and the knight for example I think that these killers should have needed more time to devellop.
    Also with every new chapter it becomes harder and harder to get into DBD when you are new to it and the lack of new players is definitely a death sentence for a game like that.
    I was talking to my friends about this and asked them if they would be ok with only two new killers a year (talking anniversary and christmas for example) and therefore using the other two slots for quality of life patches or long wished reworks.
    What do you think about that? Do you think this would cost the game a lot of players if there wouldn´t be as many new killers a year as before?
    I think this would solve a lot of problems but what abou you?

  9. That's a good reminder that despite how much we complain about the game and its current undeniable issues on a daily basis, we still love it and we take for granted all the positive changes it has received. It would be heartbreaking to see this game die off or disappear one day.

  10. I am 33 years old, on my road to 4000h and started playing with the 5th anniversary. I really can not imagine to stop playing DBD even when it sucks from time to time. I followed the game since day one and loved it, i really hope it will stay for more than a decade. Imagine dropping one of threse old anniversary cakes when it turns 20 xD I really want to play this game the next decades, maybe i'll take my ps 9 or something to the Seniorenheim and still enjoy beeing jumpscared by a mirror myers, who knows 😊 I hope the player base stays big enough for that^^

  11. I got this game when the saw chapter released cuz I thought it was so cool they had all the horror movie characters and I wanted to play as a jigsaw character
    Cant believe how much it’s changed since then

  12. I think the GTA5 compare was fair, because BHVR and Rockstar sharing at least the Online Gaming Incompetence. The RAGE (Rockstar Advanced Game Engine) netcode might be slightly better than BHVR's Patchwork quilt, but that's not too difficult, because EVERY other existing netcode is better than this. Both Games share the fact to make use of P2P Technology AND Dedicated Server at the same time, but BHVR is the only one, which actually tunnel a P2P Protocol over Dedicated Servers. And on top of that, you might not know, but GTA5 is already dead since over 6 years. 99.9% use the RAGE Engine under the hood to connect to a private Server, which are running completly different Scripts, having completly different Content which makes them actually completly different Games. It doesn't actually matters if you use RAGE:MP, ALT:V or FiveM all, those community created Game Modifications have implemented a better netcode than those 2 Companys.
    If you connect nowadays to default GTA:O Lobby, you better have an Online Mod installed to protect yourself, because the others will have for sure.

  13. I’ve heard and seen cases where the second the devs stop updating a game that games ends up dying pretty quick I definitely think dbd is still going strong and for good reason

  14. Dbd is like the only game I play tbh besides 2k And madden 23 but everyone gets tired of tht but dbd i get a feeling I never had before in a online game happy sad emotional frustrated I couldn’t even tell you how much money I put into dbd #DBDNeverDies

  15. I really think dbd cannot die yes it could based on what you are saying but if they keep adding new killers or survivors which in march we get both. It adds a new element possible map to the game. Also if bhvr ever implements fan ideas as killers or survivors they would just gain more people. Add a new IP also will make a difference look at when Nemesis and Wesker were added their was a huge jump in player base into the game IP does help. Considering the creators of terrifier Practically begging to let their IP in speaks major about the games popularity the fact they can just turn them down is big to. The game is practically unkillable Also worth noting poppy playtime went through a controversy and is still popular they released a dbd clone project playtime which is going well it seems they are ready to add a new monster the devs asked fans to vote. (I did want them in dbd but hey is what it is)

  16. i relized the other week, i have been playing this game for 5 years, i have been playing this game long enough to call myself a veteran, and likley a top 10% killer player if I had to guess, and it feels good to know i have a game i specialize in


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