Dead Hard NERF and Insane Killer BUFFS | Dead By Daylight

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Prestige Changes: 00:00
Gameplay Updates: 3:10
Meta Perk Changes: 8:41
Non-Meta Buffs: 24:15
Closing Thoughts: 39:57
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37 thoughts on “Dead Hard NERF and Insane Killer BUFFS | Dead By Daylight”

  1. With DH losing it's initial distance and only being active one second Survivors have to time it much more carefully. Killers still see the animation and can counter it. Range killers have it even easier as depending on the projectile distance and the projectile DH will now do nothing.

    Example: Deathslinger shooting and spearing a survivor. Even if they active DH Slinger gets a down if the survivor is reeled in.

    Trickster can hesitate on his blades ((Or be inaccurate like me)) and still get a down.

    Huntress can long distance snipe and even if DH is used they need to be exact or eat a down.

    If killers can learn the timing DH will be much easier to deal with. Also personal question. If Victor hits a survivor with Endurance does he latch on or will it activate the protection?

  2. Okay, i play both killer and a survivor and on one hand i am glad to see buffs to a killers, but reduced duration of DS stun is just uncalled for. It is frustrating to be tunneled as it is, and most of a time killer will catch up you soon after the DS procs anyway. Now it's even easier for them. Especially killers like Nurse, Blight or Spirit which has high amount of mobility. Anti-tunnel thing they are going for will just not work. The future metagame will just be: eat through DS and tunnel each survivor one by one. IMHO, current DS is in the good place, at least it deactivates when you are healing or repairing so you are useless for a team a whole 1 minute after the unhook. And 2 less seconds is like 8 less meters of a distance you can make.

  3. The DH changes would be totally fine for me if they would've nerft some killer perks to the ground as well. But they just didn't.
    You can bet that you'll go vs blights with op addons and op perks and won't be able to do anything with the other useless exhaustion perks, because blight just catches up so fast.
    Spoiler for all those killer mains out there, on high survivor mmr you vs such a blight ever second game.

    If those changes go to live, the game is dead to me.

  4. I dont think its that bad overall. I stopped using exhaustion perks because i felt like the distance i gained from being hit was enough to get away to a safe place but theyre taking a second away so i might run overcome. I use prove thyself, leader, borrowed time, and iron will. The iron will change kind of bothers me cuz a lot of killers have good hearing. But i guess ill just have to mind game more. I honestly dont like hearing my survivor grunt in pain like every two seconds. Im trying to focus.

  5. me as a main survivor! i'm really sad about this changes, so many perk that great on survivor now dead… i can't say anything right now, i'm just heart broken! sorry for the killer side but i think this changes will make so many main survivor will now quit to play other games like for real! for example i'm in asia server, if you guys have ever play on my server just trust me, there are lot of camping, tunneling, proxy etc… with this changes, all the camping player will now be yihaaaaaaaaaaaa! i don't know what to say anymore, when the time goes by, then someday, we will miss the old dead by daylight!

  6. I think the Dead Hard change works. I've always understood the "Dead Hard for Distance" issue to be bigger than the "avoid a hit that would otherwise down you", since I've always understood that to be the whole premise of the perk. The No-DS-in-Endgame is fine to me, though I'm baffled about the 5 to 3 second stun reduction.

  7. I think dead hard is going to be just as annoying if not even worse in specific circumstances. Imagine this you had a long wall jungle gym the survivor's injured and looping towards the window you know they're probably going to dead hard for distance and make the window so you just kind of don't swing. Yeah they make the window and you lose distance but that's it. Now let's look at it with the new Dead hard in mind. They don't make the window, and will probably be hit about the time they vote the window so they go down, right? No. They activate dead hard right before they vote the window and get hit mid vault the killer now has to endure a 2.7 weapon wipe animation the survivor still makes the window because of endurance and they on top of that get the 1.8 seconds speed boost meaning they get significantly more distance than the old version of dead hard.

  8. My main issues are that you get punished after successfully getting value from Corrupt by losing it once you get a down, that is not fair. Dislike Saboteur with a passion and that is a problem with scourage hooks on big maps, spawns aren't always great on scourage hooks, botany needs a nerf and not a boost. I love everything else though, great plans by BHVR.

  9. make shadowborn as a basekit. also my 2nd fav perk – Corrupt is still good and it is still give killer a chance to make start game pressure. And finally Dark Devotion is getting buff i need. As the Plague main just puke at the obsession and after a few seconds You have 30 sec of undetactable status. VIctor really need it. NOICE! Also Plague also a lil buff with thana. NOICE! I don't like thana on Plague, I know that this perk is the best for her and a bunch of her players use it to make suv suffer if they don't cleanse but now I want to use it. DH is okay perk, i guess it will be the same as sprint burst and lithe! usable and good. Really like they made a buff for the killers with 10% of speed like breaking and damaging, 2 tacks of sbfl….. Gen speed is 90 – this is pretty great. BT as a basekit – great. I see new meta perks. 2.5% just damaging a gen – is so great, so no taping a gen during a chase. And DS when 5 gens poped is desable – no teabagging at the exit gates. This upd gonna make toxic "PRO" teams relying on dh just cry and mad! Finally. The game feels fresh with this upd

  10. It's great, I am really looking forward to getting used to these new edits. I enjoy playing both Killer & Survivor, and the meta perk nerfs make sense, taking away a lot of the aspects that make them annoying

  11. Killers breaking pallets and generator faster, faster bloodlust, shorter cooldown, shorter surv sprint after a hit, slower gens, survs meta got destroyed while killers meta was almost untouched, the devs are definitely gonna break the game this time

  12. Survivor mains crying that killers are OP… lol I’m a survivor main and I can honestly say YOU NEED TO REMIND YOURSELF THIS IS A HORROR GAME – the killer should always be OVER POWERED and escaping should always be A CHALLENGE

  13. Once the nerf happens im deleting dbd. Cause the game is already killer friendly. Im no longer interested in playing such a toxic game. I know of alot of people who feel the same. The nerfs is gonna lose alot of players, and i think bhvr is gonna learn the hard way.

  14. Dead hard, twice as long invincibility, so you can go the same distance without going down, but now instead of validation removing stbfl stacks or screwing some powers over, the survivor gets a speed boost

  15. Hmm, do I want to take self care and botany so I can head my self at the same speed self care used to do normally, or would I rather take better self care that has almost always been better, and is now more than twice as fast self care alone is. I don't know, it's such a hard decision

  16. I think Decisive Strike rework is just really bad. I understand the "endgame" portion, but at the same time, I don't think you deserve a kill if you got rolled all game and have to resort to tunneling the person off hook to get your one kill, but on the other hand, it gets abused in end game too, so it's interesting. The stun being nerfed literally promotes tunneling, especially against high mobility killers. 3 seconds is like nothing at all.

  17. I feel like self care should stay 50% but they should remove the item efficiency since medkits are one of if not the strongest item in the game and the 25/30/35% put if to circle of healing. Agree or disagree?


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