DEATHSLINGER IS SO FUN! – Dead by Daylight!

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32 thoughts on “DEATHSLINGER IS SO FUN! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Tbh i wouldnt mind there be constant gen regression as you were talking about at the end, even as a survivor main. Then they could rework pop so it does less percentage for gen regression, etc. Could make matches more interesting at the higher levels

  2. Tru3 if you have stbfl and you shoot the obsession you can break the chain on any obstacle like you did the first time, you could have broke the chain on the jungle gym corner the 2nd time or even a tree

  3. True at 5:00 when you shoot the obsession for the chain breaking injure. You don’t have to reel them in, you can just shoot them and move behind cover to break it faster. If you reel in the survivor they can do that

  4. I enjoy playing deathslinger as killer, but really dislike it as survivor. I wish there was some sort of punishment for when he fakes using his power by scoping in quickly and then descoping. This combined with his ability to quickscope makes it completely luck based as to whether he will actually shoot, or just fake it. It’s all well and good saying to avoid line of sight, but this isn’t possible all the time – so it basically makes it impossible to not get hit by his power when you’re in the open or at an unsafe loop, because there’s no way you can reliably dodge his attack (unless the killer is bad). I have no problem if the killer hits a nice shot on me as deathslinger, like going against a good nurse, I appreciate the skill it takes. But it’s just too easy to fake your power, and then quickscope survivors with no way for them to react IMO.

  5. I think killers should still have to kick the gen, but kicking it regresses the gen at the same speed it takes one normal survivor to repair.
    Oohhhh, when killers don't have pressure,
    they feel like they can't chase.
    Survivors power through gens,
    they treat it like a race.

    Survivors complain about unique killers,
    and want them to be M1.
    Make them all weak,
    and the players will be done.

    When killers 4k and get brutal,
    they think it's really stuped.
    If killers can't have fun too,
    they'll put on noed!

  6. I think STBFL is extremely overrated on deathslinger, and having been telling everyone not to take it on him. His primary strength is 1v1 chase and he lacks in map presence. To maximize his power gen regression + information perks are the way to go. You got barely any value from STBFL this game, and the obsession realized you had it and went out of their way to get you to waste stacks on them, and you kicked one pallet the entire game, so brutal was pretty much worthless.

    Ruin is literally a must on deathslinger imo, not having to get gens and walk across maps to regress gens makes this killer. Undying is still an insanely good combo, and most games I play with it ruin stays up a majority of the game (ruin stayed up all game for you here). Bbq is my favorite info perk for slinger, it's a better combo with ruin than thrilling is bc then you don't have your regression pause when like you do when thrilling activates, and sloppy is insanely good for slow down on him, but can be replaced with the rusted spike add on now that the mangled status has been buffed allowing your forth slot to either be something else for info like whispers/nurses/ or maybe even monitor

  7. The auto-gen regression thing is an interesting idea, but would that just mean no more kicking gens, or would kicking it just give it a % lost like a minor Pop, with the actual Pop perk giving more of a loss? Ruin would also need to be changed but still be centered around gens, maybe increase the rate of regression? Another idea would be that it doesn't naturally spark when it starts regressing normally but being kicked or Ruined would do that, and it'd keep Ruin's very useful zap sound when someone stops working on a Gen. This idea has some real potential to it, I approve.

  8. I'm glad that players like Tru3 and Monto are great at showing what Deathslinger is capable of. Since others used to have issues towards him and said him to be a bad killer. I personally like Slinger. He has his advantages of certain loops not working against him.


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