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This is how you play the knight on DBD, the knight is such an complicated killer. I feel like, because he was released after easy to play wesker, hes overwhelmed a lot of players! however, the more I have played, the better I have got with him. Watch this and pay attention on how to play this guys, using his guards to funnel survivors into your sword! These two addons are perfect for this kind of playstyle!
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More about Dead By Daylight:
A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.
Dropping a guard pre pickup have found results in my games. Hard flashlight saving when one of the guards run at you. 🙂
I have heard so many mixed opinions, either knight is trash or pretty good. Imo he is pretty advanced but can use the guards for many things in a tactical gameplay way.
I came up with the same build, myself. I use Overcharge, in place of Call of Brine. I like how, as a community of killers, we've been working together to figure this guy out and make him work, in spite of the bugs and weaker power than we expected.
The fact that the guard has to slowly travel to the spot of detection than chase is silly. He should start chasing immediately from where you plant the banner the instant they step in the circle. He’s such a bad killer that gives the survivors all the tells and safe plays in the world.
8:31 sums up the problems with the Knight. You did the right thing summoning the guard and it should have enabled you trap the survivor between yourself and the guard ensuring one of you got the down. Instead the summoned guard has totally brain dead AI and the survivor easily makes distance.