Destroying A Clicky Squad #13 | Dead By Daylight

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29 thoughts on “Destroying A Clicky Squad #13 | Dead By Daylight”

  1. I love how bully squads are clicking and tbaging but when you manage to down all of them and nod at them or hit on hook they type in the end game chat "why are you so mad we wer just trolling" yeah dude trolling with your 4 flashlight swf and nothing but second chance perks

  2. I try to win, but i'm not amazing at the game, and its perfectly reasonable to assume some survivors could be better than me. But BOY does toxic BMing survivors just sour the hell out of the entire experience. This is why I have fallen in love with using Rancor on my killers. In the event a match goes completely south – having the option at end game to just kill a survivor is an appreciated consolation – and it turns into a FLOOD of dopamine when the survivor you kill is a toxic little twat.

  3. 3:22 I like this.
    The fact he comments how hes bored of those toxic losers and just absolutely demolishes them like nothing. This is exactly how we should deal with them, just swat them away like flys.

  4. Toxic players always have something to say in any situation. I also learn that no matter what you do, even if you being nice or merciful, they will never learn their lesson and be appreciative, ever.
    I had a match where I give mercy to all players, but 1 player tries to blind/interrupt after mercy is given to him, so I killed him and let other 3 go. Other 3 is pretty nice and appreciates it. 3 matches later, I met with the same unappreciative asshole, but now he met his "friends" with 3 flashlights. While using the same killer as previous match but different skin, I sincerely hope that he can be nice in this match. Sadly, no. Still the same old click click, and his new found friend is even more clicky. The match lasted 4 minutes.

  5. Started playing DBD because of my friends months ago. Hated playing as killer, had fun as survivor but was always one of the first to die. Dont know how to use a damn flashlight (but want to learn so I can do flashlight saves though).
    Must say… after months playing, I now love playing as killer (ghostface main) and HATE the damn flashlights. Not the flashlights, but the clicky annoying survivors who like to bully me.
    My biggest moment was when I had just bought Bubba, got him to lvl 10 and first time using him I got his adept… and I was being bullied by 2 Claudettes 😋
    Theres still much to learn, but I think I'll be a good killer main in the future. Basically I only play as a surv now when playing with friends. Also thank God I dont need to do skill checks as killer. Big W. I also wish I could get adept Nurse but then I am awful as the nurse. She is hard to get used to.


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