Destroying A Flashlight Troll Squad As WRAITH! – Dead By Daylight

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This was super satisfying and fun! Don’t let troll squads get you down, they’re just goofing around and the best thing you can do is keep your cool 🙂

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50 thoughts on “Destroying A Flashlight Troll Squad As WRAITH! – Dead By Daylight”

  1. Love the vids but how about a challenge that if YOU FAIL that hair needs to come off and I’m talking BALD bro ! Lol 😂 it’ll be great can also maybe donate to a charity close to you or your family that you like and all the stream proceeds go to you and a charity 50/50 it’ll be smashing a DBD Charity livestream ? Just came up with this as I saw your hair bro and thought you could do with a nice line up 🆙…. Just a thought anyway if anyone likes this idea put a like on it so jukes can see it I love he’s channel and streAms and what a great way to start the NEW YEAR ay ?

  2. I literally had a team do this to me today I slugged at the beginning, they clicked at me all game. Ended up being a 3k and then they told me I was a loser for having lightborn lmao

  3. BHVR when coordinated teams can guarantee flashlight saves due to how long the Killer is locked in animations:
    "This is fine, just play better."

    BHVR when Survivors didn't know exactly when Spirit would come out of phase:
    "No counterplay! NERF!"

  4. Lmao all the angry kids in chat who only play killer and haven't touched survivor, getting mad at the team. Teams like this are way more fun than the kind that just do all gens in 4 minutes, plus there was two BPS. People need to chill.

  5. DUDE. That locker placement is an argument I've used for "why lightborn isn't always bad to run." You literally cannot get either of them or the other will get out and save. So you have to leave. Lightborn in that situation would have crushed their dreams xD

    Thank you so much. I wanted an actual clip of this so do you mind if I use it? It's a great way to show that lightborn has value against good flashlight teams.

  6. To
    They weren’t trying to win, it seemed – they were trying to get content or something. But they went against the wrong one who knew the techs.

    Side note: I swear some content creators chunk different games together or go into customs to finish off a game in an epic way for content… like “what was that jump cut?” I’ve noticed it on several survivor main channels and a few killermain ones.

  7. Well. If they where actually decent at doing that.. It would probably have been different. A lot of 4 man swf groups have been trying it ever since that one match True had on Dead dog saloon I noticed..

  8. Me and my friends do this stuff all the time, we don’t do it to be toxic or bully but sitting on gens is boring, we’ll literally do this stuff all game and won’t touch a single gen lmfao

  9. Reading this comment section makes me realize how much people take this game so seriously, like chill out this game is not that big of a deal. I've been playing 4 years and every time I read a dbd comment section I cringe.

  10. I bet they were all on head sets saying how you were a toxic killer as well.. I'm a survivor main and legit only time il bring a flash light is for the archives. It annoys me when I'm teamed up with toxic trolls like that 🥺 glad you slayed them all like a boss as usual Jukes! ✌❤

  11. I dealt with a team like this, 3 had no mither so no slugging, plus they were at a dirty shack into jungle gym set-up. 3rd survivor DC'd for hatch but I closed it since the offering told me where it was. Annoying but hey that's how they play so you just roll with it.
    You know how to counter things like this? LIGHTBORN. If you cannot counter survivors blinding you at lockers, then Lightborn is not op and anyone who actually believes that is survivor biased and/or trash.


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