Destroying a Hacker with Headpops | Pig, Dead By Daylight

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David is probably just new.


46 thoughts on “Destroying a Hacker with Headpops | Pig, Dead By Daylight”

  1. don't worry guys i am sure he is gonna be banned. its not like bvr would just let hackers run wild in their games for months without getting back regardless of number or reports, right?

  2. JUST YESTERDAY I had a bubba hacking, his chainsaw sprint was as fast as blight and he was teleporting everywhere.. Pig can counter hackers, but what can survivors do? 😥

  3. 2 days ago i've got a game where a zarina was hacking (i was farming bps with doctor) she was teleporting everywhere and when i was in chase i was getting bodyblocked , i sucesfully downed her one time but wasn't able to grab her or to hook her , i thought she was lag switching but her ping was stable so they all escaped and she had a private profile

  4. My favorite thing is this community. I just love this community attacking me when I say this game is a shit storm and then I see clips like this then get people telling me to “stfu and get good” like this is some hard ass super mega skilled game. As someone who plays fighting games and shooting games. Dead by daylight has no where NEAR the level of skill it takes to keep up with other multiplayer games like fighting games and shooting games. If this community was forced to play fighting games and shooting games, there’d be a high suicide rate lmfao because you can’t bitch your way through those games. Plus, you don’t run into as many pathetic players as I do with this game. This community border line praises this kind of activity and bhvr (pun intended). So let me say, I’m not even surprised by this because this community is ACTUALLY that toxic, even without hacks.

  5. And these are the survivors that say ez after end game chat and think there amazing can't stand players like this 💖 also am trying to get better as pig love playing her always looking for tips 💖

  6. They're freezing the game engine intentionally. It's a feature of all of these paid subscription cheat services. It's built into UE4 itself, all the cheat does is allow the cheater to toggle it.

  7. They all should've teamed with you and didn't save him when he was on second hook, cause at that point it doesn't seem fair for the killer to get shit on by a Hacker.
    It depends if the Hacker is friendly and just wants to fuck around but these kind of hackers are the types their parents abandoned on the side of the road, then got adopted by foster parents who neglects them. (Sorry if I trigger people that live with horrible foster families)

  8. hi! i was playing as feng and i couldn’t do anything either, i even screen recorded that i actually thought only my game glitched so i just disconnected at the end, idk david and rest of them i was solo queued with them


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