Destroying another CLICKY 4-MAN, Pt. 2 | Dead By Daylight

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24 thoughts on “Destroying another CLICKY 4-MAN, Pt. 2 | Dead By Daylight”

  1. I really don't get this.
    It's DBD! This game is neither competitive nor remotely balanced.
    You could get cucked out of a victory by literally anything inside and outside of the game, even if (on the rare occasion) you do play perfectly.
    Did they like think they could out skill you better on a different map?
    People need to learn how to take an L and move on with their lives.

  2. Thank you, as always, for the entertainment. Effing solid killer play. That second game you called it spot on, "You suck." They're not worth a third game. Your game is way better than theirs and best spent in the variety of the queue. Imagine looping you TO the gen they're working on. Very entertaining.

  3. There's nothing better than killing a 4man bully-swf in this game and enjoying it because you know they not only failed their mission to bully you but also failed to be actually good at the game they're playing. Pathetic.

  4. "come customs", "come coal tower", bro they've lost twice in a row and proven that they can't win against you so it's just embarrassing watching them try so hard to make a point 😅


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