Did "Made For This" End Up Being Overpowered? – Dead by Daylight

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for me personally, no, but not everyone has unlimited addons / perks to counter it.


50 thoughts on “Did "Made For This" End Up Being Overpowered? – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Yes. It has a simple but oppressive combo with resilience that makes low tier killers feel even worse, but does nothing to high tier killers. Someone who's good at looping will turn the 3% haste and 9% action speed and turn it into a 50% longer chase if the killer hasn't built around the perk or have a strong enough base kit.

    I've also played with MfT as a survivor (without Resilience) and it has unironically been the difference between me going down and staying up minimum once a match, but usually more. I think the biggest issue is that it's not a perk you have to play smart to use, you literally just get a buff.

    A smart quick and quiet play can lose the killer, dead hard (while very annoying) can be mistimed/misused, timing a sprint burst so the killer wiffs an attack, having enough time for head on to activate and jumping out at the right time, etc. There's no risk, there's no cost, there's no skill/timing/practice required, there's no counterplay/outsmarting in match (think baiting a DH or Head On), and it's not reliant on match progression like Hope. It's an effortless buff that's only fun for "winning = fun" players who already had plenty of options in that department and didn't need any more.

    It is incredibly frustrating to try and play low tier killers for fun against this perk and playing with this perk just feels dirty.

    P.S.- Before anyone makes a comment about how killers have busted options as well. Of course they do, those need to be addressed as well.

  2. It's not even just not having access to unlimited add-ons that's the issue imo. Having to dedicate a perk slot to countering the perk on any killer that can't easily play around it is annoying. Any M1 killer suffers hard if you don't bring a perk to counter it. I played a few games of ghostface without an exhaustion perk and my god did I feel the impact this perk had. Especially currently with the event going on so survivors can spawn pallets at strong loops they've already used. It just eats so much of your time it hurts.

  3. I personally havent noticed it because the only time ive been able to see the endurance effect ive had a lot of stbfl stacks so I can just eat through health states. I havent noticed the speed boost at all

  4. I ran some tests in a custom game with a couple of friends:
    1. Made For This vs healthy 110% killer
    2. Made For This vs healthy 115% killer
    3. Made For This + Resilience vs healthy at window loops 115% killer
    4. Still have to test MFT+Res at window loops vs 110% killer.

    From what I've seen in public matches and in the custom games, MFT does nearly nothing. It is the biggest Placebo perk in DBD history and I will die on that hill.

    The only time I've ever noticed it (on either side) is with the endurance effect; typically paired with For The People.

  5. they should remove the haste and leave only the endurance part, it's pretty strong imo, the ms is bananas and completely power creeps Dark Theory. It's exactly as in Otz's clip about the brown Nemmy addon that was better than the yellow version of it like wtf, you need so much effort to get use out of Dark Theory and MFT is just lmao get injured

  6. Hey Scott, I think the best way of describing Made For This is like describing Old Dead Hard for distance.

    Is it Over-powered in most games? With the average player using it? No not really.
    But when a good or semi-competent survivor has the perk, is it the most annoying thing possible? Yes.

    And just like Old DH, as more people use it and understand "yes I can reach that pallet with 3% haste," it will only become more annoying. And I would not be shocked if BHVR waits that long to nerf it.

    The bright-side is that the very casual players are using the perk, going "I'm not getting much value," and then going back to lithe or something. So we got a good 6-12 months before it becomes a really big issue.

  7. If a perk is so strong that it requires you to always bring its counter its probably OP. Also thanks for pointing out not everyone has everything. So often everyone assumes that.

  8. I wish they would also look at how much a perk affects teammates escape rate. Not sure exactly how useful it would be, but I think there would be some potentially interesting info to gather from it.

  9. +3% movement speed, 10s of endurance after a heal, synergises perfectly with lithe and DH in case the killer does manage to catch up. of course it's too strong, it has to be. and it only makes the weak killers weaker.

  10. If the devs haven’t nerfed the perk, all the complaints are probably anecdotal. I’d imagine baby killers with few perks aren’t being matched with cracked out SWFs that are running MFT and Hope. Lots of pearl clutching when the stats seem to indicate it’s not busted. Brought to you by the streamers who told everyone Autodidact would be the new meta.

  11. mft is only strong when paired with hope, which works AFTER 5 gens are done. How easy is it to get all 5 gens done in this meta? This and the adrenaline too strong convos are just overblown imo.

  12. Survivor is the weakest by far on a completely different level to the killer' and this perk that grants 3% when injured… Is to strong… At this point just take all perks away from survivors because heaven forbid all survivors use perks and not rely on just skill alone and lots of casuals don't play skillfully. But no the killer as 4 build in game mechanics such as camping, slugging, tunneling, and 3 gen. Which can all be done at any point but this perk is to strong. Why is it that survivors have to have skill but killers don't???

  13. I feel like any perk that causes you to change your build in anticipation of it alone is too strong. Like what otz said about how ds(otr now) + unbreakable get value just by being in the game

  14. To be fair, survivors have a perk that only exists to counter killer perks and add-ons: distortion. If there was a survivor item that "cloaks" your aura i'd bring it every time.

    My point being, bringing an exhausted add-on or perk shouldn't be a big issue for killers. They literally got a new one this patch.

  15. Perks with "free" effects shouldn't be this strong. The effect of made for this is stronger than a number of perk effects with multiple, uncommon conditions, like seriously?

  16. I’m sorry but how often do u see someone use the endurance part? It’s so frustrating seeing people moan about this perk but it’s like the perk isn’t good with shit players…. If you’re bad at looping it does nothing for you and it’s insane seeing so many people complain as if this perk makes it impossible to down anyone when I play killer if I see the perk oh well even tho I say killers are weak I do not think this perk is overly op as everyone makes it out to seem.

  17. ITS op around loops and makes a HUGE IMPACT in this game especially chase killers to be fair chase killers are literally crap! THEY ALL went down 2 teirs. due to the new HUD chase info that really hurt chase killers like terror radius doesn't do anything anymore and chase killers relied on terror radius more than the other killers! cause they're in chase longer and with the new 3% and endurance which both hurt chase killers the most AGAIN! chase killers 100% have to slug in order to even have a chance at times. i honestly felt they ruined this game cause the only fun killers are chase killers!. best to play insta down killers or teleports/fast chase killers. like make it require SKILL! or time, killers have to waste alot of time with play with your food they need to find and chase obsession, they loose stacks upon hits and get punished hitting obsession, they loose time chasing the obsession and not hitting the obsession!. LIKE WTF! a free 3% ms no setup time or required to save someone on hook?, LIKE DH was OP cause of its EARLY GAME! it made killers take insanely long if all survivors had it! i think they should make made for this perk like DH it just ruins early game way to much.

  18. If I detect a player using Made For This, I usually avoid chasing that person until someone else is dead. In my games it's the other survivors who pay the price for the Made For This user. Often, I'll even let them go so their MMR can go up and I don't have to bother catching them at all.

  19. I main Knight and haven't used any perks or add-ons to apply exhaustion since 7.0.0 update. Honestly, I think the perk is fine as it is. If I was forced to give it a nerf I would simply make it apply exhaustion while injured instead.

  20. I don’t think it’s op but with lithe or dead hard it’s pretty op I feel like if they based it off escape rates it be nerfed not kept the same seeing how most games I escape with it

  21. The idea to make this like an anti exhaustion perk is a really cool concept, and I'd be interested in more in the future. But if Made For This exhausted you when you lose a health state and the speed boost lasted like 30-60 seconds I feel like could have worked a lot better. Its feels good to have an effective setup that isnt using an exhaustion perk but it definitely needs tweaked.

  22. It’s insane, I had a doctor match on rotten fields against a full swf. Got called trash for getting the 4K, it’s a carry perk. They make the trash players good and the better players better. Sorry facts are facts.

  23. Hear me out: change made for this to be an anti tunnel perk and slightly buff the haste you get. Something along the lines of:

    For 60 seconds after being unhooked, gain 4% haste. This effect is lost when completing a conspicuous action.
    When healing a survivor for a health state while injured, gain endurance for 4/5/6 seconds

    Was discussing with some very experienced friends of varying opinions. As it is you get huge value just for being injured, which helps you a ton, especially against the weakest/least mobile/less ranged killers. Changing it would give people another tool to help them when being tunneled, especially when combining it with another anti tunnel perk (ds or otr plus 4% haste while in chase, juice that killer who's tunneling you out). 4% would be more noticeable as well so it might further discourage killers from tunneling, knowing they are making much less distance.

    Keep it strong, but help the people in the hardest situations (actively being tunneled off hook) instead of just giving constant value for being injured

  24. I think if there is a perk that makes it mandatory to change your build on the opposite side, then there is something not right with it. And the worst part it this perk doesn't affect stronger killers at all as they don't care about your movement speed

  25. Had this idea of making made for this an active button press like dh and it would give u 5% haste for 25s and exhausted for 40s. Also I believe there should be a visual indication that a survivor has this haste like a blight serum

  26. I think that we’ll meet much more S-tier killers now, when MFT won’t be nerfed. Then, we’ll cry because we’ll meet the same killers all the time, and complain to killers. But, in reality it’s all our fault.


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