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Did You Know This Survivor Perk Can Do This? – Dead By Daylight (DBD Survivor Meta)
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I notice Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance almost every game, so I figured I'd share this since most people probably didn't know it was a direct counter to it =p
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that nancy fit is horrid
As a killer main that hurts. Pop goes is my go to paired with deadlock
Stop helping the easy mode
It's not making scourge hook useless, this interaction was fixed fir a while, so if the gen with most progress is blocked, it will regress other gen with highest progress
The devs will see your video and will nerf the perk and allow the scourge to trigger even if the gen is blocked
Problem is almost noone uses that perk
tbf most people run deadlock with pain res, soooooo, they already counter themselves
Let's just wait until killers start complain about it
Noo you weren't supposed to reveal this xD
Its been in the game since the RA "bugfix", just one person running the perk hard counters painres. You can just work on another gen while it's blocked. What's the killer gonna do? Kick it?
or, you know, instead of wasting 1-2 perk slots, just run kindred and let go before someone gets hooked? works fine and also gives you tons of info ..
nice trick bro!
keep it up!
This needs to be announced louder because this perk alone seems to trump the 3gen strat. Each Gen being worked on only to be RA to prevent regression would turn the waiting game onto the killer instead.
It's almost as if when survivors actually utilize their full kit they can counter shit instead of crying for nerfs every two seconds because they can't use a universal kit
Ah yes I remember testing repress alliance to counter the meta perks. I would say it is not worth blocking a pain res. Generally speaking the better way is to split pressure on the generators. Pain res can only target one generator. Pain res has a once per person use limit you actually want to exhaust the pain res or power through it. Yes, you blocked the generator and pain res is wasted but you also cant progress the generator. If the killer decides to tunnel off your teammate and you have to wait 30 seconds to finish off a generator or go to start another gen. Repressed alliance is actually better to counter pop goes the weasel. Well you need to pair it with blast mine that is.
Still wouldn't help much. A lot of survivors get dropped like flies.
There’s nothing to do now but buff other perks to decrease pick rate, my idea, scourge hook: hang man’s trick: when a survivor is saved off of a scourge hook, that hook will then remove all other scourge hooks affecting it, making that hook, glow with a yellow aura, this affect happens for all scourge hooks, when hooking a survivor on the hang man’s trick hook, all survivors scream become a exposed, once a survivor is saved off a yellow hook, that hook becomes a normal hook once again
"Making the perk useless" is wrong. Maybe the gen doesn't explode, but you block the generator for 30 seconds, so you "Deadlocked" yourself and you are doing nothing for 30 seconds, that's almost like a token and the regression of Pain Res. Of course the gen isn't regressing or killer can't Pop it if you 99% it, but that's another story.
So you are using 1 perk slot to counter a "useless" killer perk, while you are not countering it in time. I think that's more like a negative than a positive in the survivor side.
And if the killer is faster than the blocked gen and he scares you away, he can pop the gen. It's a terrible placebo perk, sorry. The idea was there, no offense.
Even if this is broken I don't think not fixing some of these is a bad thing. Some perks need an extra incentive to utilize them more. Some of these are used too much. It is nice to have survivor perks that counter other overly used perks of the Killer. Also this is so obscure that why would it even be something to worry about it being used commonly.
Since the game is programed for gens not to lose progress if its blocked by any means does this mean a killer can potentially screw himself over and lose a pain res if he uses it with something like thrilling tremors.
For example you down someone you pick them up the highest gen gets blocked by tremors you put them on a pain res and as long as its within the blocked time frame you lost a stack?
I usually use this perk with wire trap and blast mine.
After killer kicks generator. I will use this perk to block Gen.