Dissolution H.U.N.K Dead by Daylight

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Can H.U.N.K make this work?

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21 thoughts on “Dissolution H.U.N.K Dead by Daylight”

  1. If you want chains, the "meme" add-on seriously changes things. You are only losing one speed stack for DOUBLE the frenzy duration.

    Does great especially when you aren't frenzying up until you're in range so you just have basekit frenzy speed

  2. Idk have the survivor got to know all the Perk killer have without observation, like it just pops up on the side of the screen oh you have Dissolation.
    Its like Filth got this magical eyes from traversing the magical Realm. Oh someone down dw MY EYES can see you.

  3. Dissolution doesn't actually get the breaking pallet effect a lot against good survivors (unless you really force them into it which wastes time). But, it turns many safe pallets into unsafe areas because they are in a lose-lose situation if they don't have a pallet very close by. I've noticed really great loopers get stumped on what to do at pallets, even when they know I'm running Dissolution.

  4. I just realized how many perks that killer has that are just told to the survivors for free. Dissolution’s only hope for activating at high level is catching them off guard, but that’s almost impossible when the game just gives it to them for free. Makes me wonder why the killer doesn’t get a heads-up when perks like DS, Off the Record, BT, Boons, or any of the exhaustion perks are in play before they happen. The only reason I can think of is the devs being biased towards survivor.

  5. Survivors get told you have dissolution . Survivors get told when you have undying. Survivors get told when you have this and that and everything else. Really does ruin a bunch of perks.

  6. i don't like dissolution i think its a bad perk to be honest, maybe vs bad survivors its good, but average and good players it doesn't work very well, they're not going to stay next to that pallet for the full duration after you hit them so i kinda find it useless etc… on top of that it takes 3 secs before it activates it would of been nice if it didn't take any time to activate. on top of that people just circle the pallets until you hit them this perk needs to be changed it should work asap and punish survivors that throw a pallet down and just want to loop it, giving the killer another option instead of breaking it and survivor getting to another loop area, this way a survivor has to go over the pallet sooner instead of circling it or if not they could be punished and the pallet would break asap if they vault and they get injured during it.

    i wish they would change it so it doesn't have to have a wait on it before it activates it should activate right away upon injure. and they should put a duration on it so it doesn't last long on survivors. this way survivors that just camp pallets will get punished a bit more if they get hit near a pallet cause they will jump over it and won't want to get hit again and break it. and survivors that get hit and move or don't camp pallets and keep moving get rewarded by not breaking the pallet and by looking for other pallets or vault locations while not being punished for looking for new loops and survivors at the same loops get PUNISHED THUS making this game less toxic in my opinion cause the survivor is being more forced to play and move around instead of just one location. cause i find this perk almost useless in higher gameplay.


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