DO I TRY TOO HARD? | Dead by Daylight

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Recently I have been capitalising on survivor mistakes A LOT to make a point that, this game in easily controlled if you know when to use the survivors positions against them, this game imparticular is a shining example of how broken it can be if you played hard to win.

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More about Dead By Daylight:

A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.


38 thoughts on “DO I TRY TOO HARD? | Dead by Daylight”

  1. it is not hard enough xD
    Nah for real it is actually fine
    I went against 3 so crazy hard trying killers today and it was so fun!
    I loved the Challenge and actually i never got out xD
    Maybe one day i will be able to beat them it is good training !

  2. As for being competitive. Honestly I am with you.. I think the hiding of where you are at in MMR is a terrible idea. This is where Starcraft 2 does soo much better at its not even funny. Games without competition are not games anymore. Devs doing what they are doing with DBD is just going to screw the game over more and more and then they are going to "wonder" where all the players went.

  3. I think half the issue is that survivors expect you to allow saves because of silly thing like "spirit of the game" and "honour" I think these people forget that they are playing a game where a killer that only has malicious intentions for the survivors isn't interested in being fair. They want to please the entity and satisfy their bloodlust. Each side should take advantage of what they have at hand. Do what you need to, to ensure victory.

  4. Sigh… I have watched every DBD vid you have made. Your recent complaining over and over in your Twitch and YT vids though about BHVR gets tiresome… Want to know where you can improve as a killer – that's what the emblem system tells you. Mad about facing survivors with less skill – and how would you change it?? Longer que times so you can wait for the same try hard sweats over and over – oh wait that was the complaint before the changes. You can't be paired with higher skilled players if you are at the top – since that's what you will face – the top 5% over and over. And – the previous system (Ranks) Was NOT a reflection of skill whatsoever – just like grades are not a reflection of skill. I miss funny ManFaceJay – hope complaining ManFaceJay is not a permanent feature of your vids.

  5. You're not playing aganst friends you're playing against randoms, I could understand if you went easy on people you know but people you don't? nah that's up to them as to whether they play well or poorly.

  6. Yeah they r fuqd because ur not giving them a chance to be saved, no u didn’t have to do that ur right on that part I’ve seen killers get the hook then go off to the next survivor and still get a 4k

  7. Trying to win isn't trying hard. Try hard is a toxic BS term to make people feel bad about winning. I do however think that someone should identify when they're fighting way below their league or facing a meme team and adapt accordingly. But…. you don't have to at all.

  8. It is kinda shitty, but not your fault. This is a solo que game for sure, and it's hard to counter killers sometimes if you aren't on comms. Unfortunately that's the devs fault for lack of balance. And this game just leaned towards the killer a lot this match. I've never heard you have empathy for the survivirs. Lol. But it's nice you can acknowledge that your gameplay sometimes is really rough and frustrating for the survivors. Don't forget though that you're just playing the game they gave you.
    And yes, the ranking systems is the worst trash in any game. I find myself playing killer and constantly go against solo ques where the survivors are terrible. I feel bad for sure. And usually let them go, but that doesn't mean I'm right for doing so. Nobody should be upset if you kill them all ruthlessly. Just playing the gane the dummy devs gave ya.

  9. Not this man asking of he tries too hard and then proceed to camp at 3/4 gens. And obviously you dont feel bad because you continue to play that way lmao

  10. The way I look at it is this: This game is a casual game that the devs are trying to build into a competitive one, without realizing you can't make a casual game competitive. There are games that are both casual AND competitive, sure, like Pokemon and whatnot. But those were made to kind of have those elements anyway. DBD, however, was built to be a game that wasn't even meant to get this big. It was meant to be a smaller game, so it was meant to be casual. But now that it's big, BHVR wants to change it to be competitive and they can't do that. And the players get screwed over for it. Because if a player plays casually, then they're making mistakes and not doing the best they can and are, more often than not, going to lose, because almost everyone else is playing competitively. If a player plays competitively, though, the game isn't really designed around that, so the burnout from trying so hard is going to be much faster, people are going to get upset easier, and it just becomes a lot more stressful.

    So what do I think a player should do in this situation? Well, there's no real right answer, is there? Whether or not you're "Trying too hard", you're doing something wrong, and there's no way around it. Do I think you should give hatch every few games or so? Sure, that's nice. Maybe go a little easier on the hooks? Yeah, why not? Do I think you absolutely have to? Absolutely not. Do I think you're wrong if you don't? No way. Because you're screwed no matter what you do, I think there is no wrong way to play this game, unless you're holding the game hostage or griefing your teammates or hacking, of course.

    It's up to you to decide if you think you're being too harsh on the survivors or not. If you think you are, then maybe trying playing a few rounds more casually and just see how it goes, if it makes you feel less stressful. Goof around, mess about.

    I know you've said in videos before "No one likes losing, no one has fun when they make mistakes", but I just don't think that's true, personally. When I make a mistake in my game, I can get frustrated, but there's a lot of times where I laugh at myself or go "Okay, yea, I screwed up, I deserve to get hooked or to lose this hook, or whatever". Making mistakes can be fun, if you let it be fun. I mean, hey, I've seen you make mistakes on a few videos here and there, and what do you do? You shout a swear, then you start laughing because of how silly it is, and power on through the rest of the game, and you usually come out on top anyway. I think that's the real spirit of this game.

    I think that's the right attitude to have for this game.

    I don't know if this really answered your question or helped you come up with your own answer, but I hope this comment helps!

  11. I get it when people camp a little at risky moments or against super competitive teams or at the end of a match even but you were in total control of the match and claim the match completely for yourself while you should be aware these guys were no pro players by any means.. one or the other was actually pretty damn bad. I can just say that I had a couple of matches this morning, and they all were like that. Is it fun? no, it's not… So for me, people like you destroy dbd literally. You are part of the big reason why the player counts drop and drop. Very experienced gamers go into the match and play totally ridiculous against absolute casual players. "Claps" Is it me being salty? I don't think so I just want to kinda enjoy the game and people getting you out of a match at 5 or 4 gens over and over is just not. So guess playing something else is the better decision.

  12. If you make a mistake you think a Survivor is going to let you make it up? not troll you? kill them by any means. and If you feel bad about it. go play something else.

  13. Zarina goes down after 30 seconds of chase, a gen is completed.
    Activates portals and checks back on hook between the seconds of 13-18 of hook progression
    Feng goes down after 10 seconds of chase, a second gen is completed (far corner). 20 seconds left until second stage
    Leave Feng on ground and Yun-jin blocked from save, Kate nowhere to be seen so Zarina tries and fails a last second 4%, costing 20 seconds (remaining 40 sec)
    Yun-Jin chase overall ~ 20 seconds of chase, acknowledged "gone the wrong way, doesn't know the map"
    Zarina now has 30 seconds left on the hook, two players slugged. Leaves Yun-Jin slugged to secure the Zarina kill. Kate presumably picks up the Feng, but Kate has no BT. Yun-jin uses her unbreakable maybe picked up by Feng, Kate makes a desperate attempt to get Zarina off, gets grabbed, Feng can't save because injured, and Zarina dies. Match is now doomed as a 3v1.

    All 4 make mistakes to lead this to happen, Zarina arguably had the least influence to cause the situation but was the one to suffer a complete death from a single hook. They did however blow 20 seconds with an unhook chance which is almost never the correct play, though it's understandable why she was frustrated at the situation. Feng's indecisiveness led to an extremely short chase, Yun-Jin's chase was also short and moves towards the hook injured. Kate is incredibly late to go in and recover the match, which is basically mandatory the moment Feng goes down in her 10 sec chase. Overall a lot of this wasn't directly brought on by a full-blown desire to camp/tunnel etc (even though it did play a part) but by the way that they played out the start of the match.

    Do I think it would have been better to give them more chance to recover given how unequipped they looked to deal with the situation put in front of them? Everyone can play how they want (and I do understand the exercise of playing this way to the extreme to make your point), but imo that's what I would do because the poor decisions and skill showed that such rooflessness – I mean ruthlessness – was unnecessary, your dominance is basically already shown in those moments and going further really just cuts their gameplay way down from what it could have been. I'm surprised more don't take the mentality of "alright, I have the game knowledge to know that I'm guaranteed the 4k if I play in this way, now I'm going to see how much I can win playing nicer instead by avoiding facecamp/camp/tunnel/slug snowball".

    You'd think with no rank to strive for, players would care less about just the end result and care more about playing in a way that they have fun with. I think instead though people are just horrible at actually setting their own goals and most strive to be satisfied by the end results screen telling them they've won, good job. This rockets up their MMR for harder matches so they can get bullied more and complain about how rough it is if they don't camp/tunnel/etc, then they complain they want the matchmaking to be more random, essentially being handed free wins, would theoretically also give them random HARDCORE matches with bully SWFs way above their rank but due to the cap existing in the first place (now being lowered hurray), they might have been facing them already. However, for every free win given out, there's the other side who had a despairing guaranteed loss as well.

    Ultimately in this game where every match can swing this many mistakes is going to lead to a loss. That being said, it's such a darn shame that BHVR has given survivors 0 ways to communicate that just makes these scenarios more common. "Second chance" BT and DS didn't come into play, two uses of DH were used that didn't actually lead to additional vaults/pallets. Then BHVR continues to leave camp/tunnel/hook stages as they are. I know however that BHVR will never get the message to address these issues quickly when everyone is busy hating the other side, deflecting criticisms, pointing to non-issues, sending hate their way for any change they make (or don't make). I'm left disappointed on the content creation side when there is so little organized rally for positive change rather than content that puts others down or just caters to those who want to see the other side suffer, and constant missing the mark and disagreements when any progress actually begins to get made.

    Well, in the end this video definitely shows what it set out to do. From my perspective the point is already proven and carrying it out doesn't really bring me any joy, if I wanted to know I would "win" that match then knowing I could close out the game by doing it is enough for me. I don't expect people to agree with me tbh but I do have on the whole pretty positive end game chats that I really wonder how its possible for others to get largely negative chats over the majority, get upset at the survivors for being upset at how they played losing sympathy for them without reflecting on what they did, and overall rather playing in a way that gets them fairer matches catered to their skill and is more fun for all participants… Bad apples are always out there but it's important they remain just that rather than the entire other half of the playerbase

    edit: because I forgot to mention elsewhere, but I do appreciate seeing the moments of you regretful of the way the match plays out and feeling bad for the survivors. it's a nice break away from aggressive defenses against entitled survivors (who may or may not actually be entitled, but that's my opinion) that look to essentially blame others for how the match played out, intentionally or otherwise

  14. 7:00 > i think hiding the grades was a good idea, they didnt show skill, just how much people played this season. And people kept thinking that the grades still impact the matchmaking tho they do nothing.

  15. They way you play at 4-5 gens is always so douchy to me. Like, you’re a good killer so why do you resort to playing like that when going against obvious potatos or casual players. All for the sake of a 4k. You do realize you getting a 4k every match just proves how killer sided this game isn’t. A reasonable match would be a 2k. That’s what killer mains don’t realize. They think they have to either sweat or play douchy and scummy for 4k instead of realizing that a 2k is fine and you can get it by playing fair and by having fun. I have noticed you tend to camp at 4 gens and then it’s you against 3 survivors with 4 gens to do and at that point it is a guaranteed win for you, especially against solo q players which is most survivors. Yes, 4 man swf’s are unfair and annoying but this clearly wasn’t and you should have realized that, or maybe you realized that and capitalized on that to get an easy 4k. 4 man swf’s do happen but most people either play this solo or with one friend. I have gone against amazing killers that do not play douchy and they still get a 4k and I have so much respect for them and will die gracefully to them because to me that is actual skill. I do not think it is skillfull to camp a survivor out at 4 gens when they haven’t gotten a chance to get bp, so that you can have an easy match and try and make it come across as really skillfull plays. And then analyzing the survivor gameplay and criticising it without checking the douchy way you played.

  16. I know you’re not responsible for another players fun but personally (and as someone who isn’t even a great killer) I can usually tell if survivors are a bit clueless and if I’m going to 3/4 K pretty early on. Therefore I assume that as a much superior killer to me you know these things as well and therefore I do think that you could probably ease up a bit in some matches. Even in this match you could have let them exchange at the hook and the outcome of the match would have been the same.

    When I see a player end the game with less than 4K BP and they weren’t AFK I do feel bad for them. Plus as we all know, grades are hidden anyway. Once you reach Iri 1 for the month and have secured the BP rewards I really don’t see any reason to play overly hard or “sweaty”. Aside from a personal desire to win there really isn’t much point- and that’s a big flaw in the grading and matchmaking from a competitive standpoint but it is what it is.

  17. No you don't try too hard, you are just too efficient and it can be mistaken as a try hard
    But I believe that if you make meme builds from time to time would be healthier for you, will clear this image of a sua try-hard and would give us a laugh with the meme builds 🙂

  18. Might be a very unpopulaf opinion, but why is it trying hard when you afk camp some guy at a good position? Doesn't that make the game just easier, so you kind of try easy? I dunno..

  19. Nah, you're not trying too hard. Play however you want and if someone has a problem with it, that's their problem, not yours. You're not responsible for other peoples fun, but your own. You're not even being toxic and playing to win is kind of the point, anyway. It's okay to mess around sometimes, I guess, but if you want to play seriously, that's up to you and you shouldn't feel bad for it. If survivors play badly, that's on them. I'm not even that good at survivor, but I don't get mad at the killer. Killers are MEANT to kill, not go "easy" on the survivors and play with "honour". Who has honour nowadays? No one does. Fuck that shit. If people can't handle a ruthless killer and REAL challenge, they shouldn't even be playing the game and should go play a hello kitty game or something.

  20. To be honest as much as you might blame yourself for doing this the only ones to blame are the devs for allowing it to happen at the end of the day you capitalized on the little info solo survivors are given unless they run specific perks to even give them a sliver of what swfs get and sadly unless they announce they are actually finally putting it into the game with the anniversary update solos are still going to have to suffer for another 2 years if the game is alive at that point because it takes bhvr to long to implement stuff for balance but there able to pull a license or the 80th feng skin


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