Do the Killers Regret What They’ve Become? (Dead by Daylight)

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Which of the bad characters of the Entity’s realm regret where they’ve ended up? This is an interesting question I think with such a variety of circumstances that led to characters ending up in the realm. Characters with varying morality, desires, and thoughts on themselves. Which ones ultimately regret what they have become?

At the time of this video’s release Chapter 31 has been released, with killer The Unknown and survivor, Sable Ward! We also recently got the 7.0.0 update which brought along a rework to The Twins.

Thumbnail renders by JMotionZ

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Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake
Mysterious Strange Things – Yung Logos
Clean and Dance – An Jone
Night Run Away – An Jone

Intro 0:00
They have no regrets 0:23
They have very few regrets 4:22
They have no opinion 8:17
They have quite a few regrets 10:18
They regret almost everything 12:48


37 thoughts on “Do the Killers Regret What They’ve Become? (Dead by Daylight)”

  1. For Legion, Susie, Julie and Frank would be cool with it and enjoy it. Susie initially was against killing but clearly has a darker nature and now there isn’t consequences for it, she can unleash herself and be true to what she wants.

    Joey, probably more so then almost anyone else. All he wanted was acceptance. He gets fired for tribal reasons from numerous jobs and his ‘nerdy’ alignment likely meant he was socially on the outer. That’s why he’s so easy for Frank to manipulate. So while at first he would kill because the entity would threaten him with causing harm to his friends, eventually he would see his ‘friends’ slip further and further into the darkness and become less like the people he wanted to be with. Way too late now though. Shame the DBD story game doesn’t focus on this.

  2. Max Thomson Jr. had every chance to be a normal person, maybe quite a successful one considering his incredible strength. But his parents created a monster instead

  3. I think trickster has some regrets. Yeah he does kill people freely but hes someone who feeds of attention and in the trials he doesnt really have an audience. You cant really call survivors an audience cuz theyre justa group of 4 ppl who dont want anything to do with him. Plus he cant really make music which was kinda a kickstarter to his killing and torturing people.

  4. This conversation makes me wish BHVR would do original chapters with some of the more regretful killers as survivors and maybe vice versa. It would be cool to play as Rin or Evan against like Yun-Jin or Ace as Killers.

  5. I regret what happened to Micheal myers, he's become so lost and forgotten to time. I have to try hard to actually get value from him because there's countless ways to counter you now, unless you're tombstone, I love tombstone

  6. If the collector was in dbd his regret was not killing arkin o Brien in the first movie when he had the chance instead of capturing him because he always takes one

  7. I don't think Myers is emotionless. If you've seen the first Halloween, and looked at his perks, he enjoys "playing with his food." In the scene where he nailed the boy to the wall, he even tilts his head as if to admire his handiwork. I think he derives genuine pleasure in killing. I just don't see someone that dons a ghost sheet and his last victim's glasses to trick the guy's girlfriend as "emotionless", and therefore unopinionated. We would probably see more expressions of mirth if he didn't have the expressionless mask on all the time.

  8. wesker has to definitively have had his feathers ruffled when he first got snatched up by the entity when he was on the cusp of victory and world domination and becoming a god among men as he sees himself as just for an actual one to show up and pull the rug out from under him

  9. I use Chucky a lot. One of his voice lines he straight up says “I love it here!” I feel he might be like Sable where he’s aware of what happens and gets to know he’s just allowed to kill as much as he wants and have his idea of fun.

  10. I think Wesker pretty much regrets entering the entity realm and is not happy with his position there. in his own words, he was "trying to save the world" through evil means. I think he hates the fact that he has to spend all of his time with survivors who are "genetically inferior", except Chris of course.

  11. Darren Bousman and Kevin Greutert, directors of Saws 2-4 and 6-7 respectively both have said that they saw Amanda as a very regretful character. They saw her being like a gambling addict that keeps hoping the next bet makes all of their choices justified. Thats why in 3 every time we see Amanda by herself, she looks so uncertain and depressed. Yes, she is losing her mentor and idol in Jigsaw, but she is also questioning all of her actions and if they are right. I figure that continued into the entity's realm. In the trials she is a monster but between them she is likely filled with self-doubt and the entity has appease her with praise from John in the form of visions.

  12. I still regret going up against Billy not because he’s scary or anything it’s just that I don’t see him as a monster I see a little boy, who got turned into a creature of pure darkness and honestly if I could, I would give him a hug

  13. I might come from a different angle here, but I feel like Wesker would have to regret being there and hating the entity to a degree. He is highly nerfed in the realm and doesn’t get to carry his grand plan. Plus, the entity is far superior to him, something that he must hate.

  14. I’ll always feel bad for the artist and wraith the most. The artist I feel really bad for the most and the fact she has missing body parts and can’t even talk but screech is saddening.


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