Do We Need More Stealth Killers In DBD | Dead By Daylight Discussion

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28 thoughts on “Do We Need More Stealth Killers In DBD | Dead By Daylight Discussion”

  1. As a Sadako main I can say her stealth is kind of just there it can work sometimes and her addons with (Old Newspaper and Reiko's Watch) more so help it as a mind game tool at big loops (she smol) since she flickers more

  2. How many do we actually have like I get some of them are classed as such but then don't fit that class for examples wraith and onryo. They are geared towards stealth but are better at hit and run and you can tell they are coming easily if you pay attention. Honestly I think the only stealth killers we have are the shape and the ghostface because all the other "stealth killers" suck at it

  3. I think Freddy should have a 24 meter terror radius and be invisible when survivors would be awake. Make it similar to how he was before because you could honestly get that first hit really quickly and is accurate to the character

  4. I think scratched mirror meyers is the best stealth killer. Not necessarily on strength but the pure ability to cause panic permanently throughout a game, he is only hindered by the MASSIVE disparity of his ability to play maps, you get farm, ormond, borgo you're screwed, but any map with no large unblocked LoS he is legitimately great

  5. Im hoping that BHVR figures out how to make Skull Merchant a pseudo stealth killer that can ambush her target. This would work for her as a killer because her whole thing is tracking her target to eventually catch them off guard. From how she is on the PTB its better but not good when it comes to this. Im hoping BHVR figures it out because I know they can.

  6. Stealth Killers are my favorite kind. There's a certain power and feeling you get from knowing you're about to scare someone shitless, and I think BHVR has done a pretty good job at designing each killer to not feel derivitive of each other (sans Ghostface and Myers cause they are literally just two versions of the same concept)

  7. I have made a couple Stealth Killers like the Spider, Raider, and Graft, and trust me, we don't need any more Stealth Killers…

    We DO however, need more GOOD Stealth Killers. Emphasis on being good. Dredge is the best one out of the list with most of them being Bottom 5. And also, you didn't mention it, but Ghostface, Myers, and Wraith are loud af. They got loud ass noises that follow them around such as growling, wind noises, and breathing.

  8. I want more stealth killers because they're my favorite thing in the game. I fell in love with DBD when I was a new survivor, repairing a gen, and out of nowhere this Pig lady roars and comes sprinting at me. Playing against stealth killers and stealth perks is the most entertaining aspect of DBD to me. Loading in and seeing Michael just standing in the distance still freaks me out 2000 hours later. The rest of this game has become a lot more sweaty and stressful, but the stealth killers remain a relic of classic spooky fun.

  9. As a dedicated pig player, I really do have to groan at how little you seem to know about playing pig. I looked at your "how to fix pig" video too (left a comment), and both times I have to say that you just don't understand. Pig's stealth is great in that it can be used on command, with next to no indication of when she is going in or out of it. There is no cooldown, there is no "knocking her out of it", and it doesn't delay the attack by more than a second. You don't like the roar? Fine, hit the power button again, and stand up. You only use the "ambush" part of the power at loops, or to save STBFL stacks. The only thing I wish is that her crouch was 100% instead of 90%, but overall she is fine.

    Being a good pig is about being unpredictable, using cover to get in close, and utilizing the tools you have to hassle the survivors. If you know a sruv is gonna go to the closest box to them, then don't give them the "You have a head trap" pass, follow up and get a second down. Break chase when they don't see you, only to circle back to them. Be aggressive when you know you can be aggressive, and spread damage when you can't. If you're having trouble being a stealth pig, try the following build. STBFL, Brutal Strength, Jolt, and either Sloppy Butcher or Rapid Brutality, with Amanda's Letter and Combat Straps, and use a Lery's or Game Offering. While the build is fine on any map, you will excel on these ones, and be able to practice how to be a proper stealth pig. Just remember, don't use the ambush attack when trying to sneak up on people. Just stand up and hit them that way.

  10. hot take: we need more stealth in general as we stray further away from the games original purpose of being hunted by a killer which lurks in the dark trying to kill you while you try to remain unseen

  11. I think looking at the stealth as it's own mechanic is a bit of a fallacy. Stealth isn't meant to overtake a base kit, it's meant to enhance a kit. That's why killers like Wraith, which is babies first Stealth killer, still has tells. If you made them full invisible or without their swoosh tell, then they would have an extremely large advantage, the full game, whereas with that information in there, survivors can counterplay to a degree.

    A lot of players forget that counterplay HAS to be possible, otherwise there would be no reason to not just play a single killer eternally. If a killer were to have a Stealth kit serving to just be a stealth kit for ambushes- without tells or with oblivious attached to it, the survivors would have 0 counterplay for the entire game. Even with characters like Dredge, or Wraith, or even pig- you are given small tells to try to outplay the killer.

    The reason ghost face is the highest ranked killer right now is, despite his counterplay (revealing him) his ability to 1 shot people only brief moments after catching them while in stealth is the closest thing we have to incounterable. It's still JUST enough of a counter that he won't get reworked, but it's powerful enough to really make games advantagous to him just with his base kit alone, without perks or addons- for an entire game.

    And, not for nothing, Wraith with blood shadow dance and Soot-Serpent with some breaking perks and Scratched mirror Meyers with ANY perks make for some of the most interesting Ambush mechanics that the game has. The first making Wraith able to instantly drop out of bell after he breaks a pallete or gen (and I mean instant) so you guarantee hits, and the second making the game a true Meyers jumpscare experience with basically wallhacks. Those games tend to be cruelly one sided, as even Iri 1 survivors have an insane hard time against a "true stealth" experience like scratched mirror Meyers.

  12. Personally, I think every killer should be undetectable all the time. Remove terror radius, and have the chase music playing constantly. We should also bring back the old ghostface and xenomorph music.

  13. My friend she is death and a spirit main but yet she gets hits and i have no clue how she does it but she loves pig or she will turn killers like legion into a stealth killer with perks and addons but ghost face and pig can make some of the most scary matches brings horror to a horror game

  14. we'd need more stealth killers if EVERY killer wasnt able to be a stealth killer. every killer can put on perks and addons to hide their heart beat and stuff so why ever pick a killer thats silent and slow and less powerful "because theyre sneaky" when you can make every killer powerful AND sneaky? imo they need to remove all the perks and stuff that makes non sneak killers be able to sneak

  15. I always thought that Skull merchant would be better designed as a stealth and information based killer, by taking away her zoning potential and using drones for strictly information, along with greatly enhancing her stealth capabilities to sneak up on survivors. Something like this hasn't been done yet

  16. I want killers that throw objects, Or more traps , Like hunting down survivors , Maybe A killer that can trap generators make generators blow up on survivors or sometime lol Like fake generators


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