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30 thoughts on “DO YOU SEE WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO IN DBD TO WIN? Dead by Daylight”

  1. Ah yes. This is the kind of gameplay survivors will watch and say "skill issue". They just dont get it, and think rolling baby survivors as killer justifies their shit opinions.

  2. The hud update added to this imbalance. It gives out so much information that survivors dont even use aura perks anymore. All I see are builds that have prove thyself and made for this, adrenaline, lithe or Brand new parts. Prove thyself is definitely up there though because of how it stacks when survivors pile in on a generator. Its ridiculously good but I barely get any time in to bring survivors down.

    Combine that with all the regression perks being brought down in power and you wind up with these 5 minute matches unless they fuck up a bunch. Once I finish my rift pass I'll definitely be taking a break again from this game.

  3. They tried bringing solo up to the level of swf right? Ok that's fine. But they gave NOTHING to killer to compensate for that. Gen speeds are easily the biggest issue from the killer perspective and what do they do? Nerf any decent gen regression / slowdown perks.

    Like wtf BHVR. Base kit meta perks for survivor. Tiny decimal integer stat buffs for killer. Fuck off.

    They're actively trying to stop camping and tunneling too right? But you know WHY killers do that? Cause they need to with how lightning fast the matches are, you don't have time to chase everyone 3 times a piece. And don't even get me started on all the second chances they have.

    I want to come back to this game but.. no way. Not like this.

  4. I play both sides I normally grind iri 1 every month just for the bps on killer but Iโ€™m a surv main and tbh I think itโ€™s how you look at stuff I think when youโ€™re playing survivor some things may seem op and the same goes for killer some games it feels like you canโ€™t do anything and seems โ€œsurvivor sidedโ€ I feel like itโ€™s too hard to win on killer as in feels like gens fly too fast I honestly think itโ€™s toolboxes / perks like prove whatโ€™s the real problem on survivor..I think thereโ€™s a few nerfs what need to be made nurse needs defo nerfing you can only loop to a certain extent I also donโ€™t believe bloodlust should be a thing well tier 2/3 atleast it rewards the killer for them getting looped they can also abuse bloodlust where they just chase around one pallet and eventually itโ€™s a guarantee hit i also think vpn killers seem to just be every match and get bs hits wich is depressing so I donโ€™t think any of it is sided but thereโ€™s defo changes what need to be done for both sides

  5. Letting survivors Get off the hook for free even in struggle phase with all the second chance perks and basekit stuff is crazy will be playing surv only and against bots when I want to play killer

  6. I play both sides and as survivor, I've seen more killers run NoEd recently. Don't blame them, I don't but my W/L is not high. This reminds me of 2 years ago well before gen changes, killers metioned gen speed and ran NoEd because devs reiterated gens were okay…again before the change. Feels like Deja Vu, the devs know it they know gen issues.

  7. three questions:

    1) Were you playing as Chatterer? Which Hellraiser movie or comic book did Chatterer have/control the Lament Configuration?
    2) Are those magic scrolls that break pallets a permanent addition?
    3) Who was that in the skanky outift? Do all the survivors have skanky outfits?

  8. The thing about DBD is that the game, in the words of the Devs, was balanced with the idea that 2 survivors die and 2 survivors escape. This doesn't make any sense because 2 kills means a draw. I don't know where to find this statement from the Devs, but I'm SURE it was a long time ago that it was clearly stated by them, and apparently nothing has changed in that balance mindset. The fact is: to get 3 or 4 kills you ALWAYS need to tunnel or camp or you basically lose or get a draw.

  9. DBD is based on: if u r a good player you have higher chance to live but u need to have other 3 svv to be good to improve your chances, 3 good players and 1 bad ho dies in 2 min is a great downfall to svv side v: i think the game is balanced at certain points and still fun to play both sides
    And on killer view u need to play very well and run some build that helps a lot your killer to get more efficiency
    Bcuz killer depends on your skills
    And if u get a 4 man squad just play your best and gg
    That happens ๐Ÿ˜€

  10. It's so annoying that this game has all these cool killers that are useless when playing against good survivors. Some games feel like you physically can't do anything if it's a good SWF.

  11. first Gen is always so fast… Last 3 days i am playin Survivor, i always spawn with one other surv that has Prove Thyself and we always got Gen in 30-40 seconds… So yea

  12. its crazy
    gen def regression perks usually only benefit the killer if the killer earned it
    u know, by downing or hooking the survivor with stuff like pop or erruption or jolt and requires the killer to kick the gen most of the time
    tbh i think ruin is the only perk thats gives gen regression for free that i can think of atm with the only side effect of beeing a hex
    but survivor gen speed perks on the other hand r so free
    dejavu for example is so stupid
    simply get +6% speed on 3 gens without them earning it
    or prove thyself, free gen speed boost for simply beeing with someone else on a gen like what kind of conditions r these
    survivor literally get free shit by simply loading into the game
    while killer have to earn the regression by playing good
    and the devs punish good killers by nerfing these perks
    seriously, if the majority of survivor wouldnt suk at this game gen regression perks wouldnt be a problem
    because many good gen regression perks require the killer to hook or down the survivor but since most people suk, a killer gets a lot of regression value

  13. I have 2k hours and play killer and surv pretty much equally and only solo q. Yes, if survs are just gen efficient, its already tough for the killer, which is a problem. But the reality is that in half the matches at least 2 survs dont touch a single gen in 90 seconds and dont last 10 seconds in a chase vs a m1 killer..And reaching top mmr is rediculously easy.
    If u aim to win, u gotta play sweaty each match cause u just dont know if u have decent folks or some super casual people (which is fine) who drop the shack pallet without using the window even once.
    Top mmr is just a big pool with every active player throughout any skill lvl basically, which just doesnt make sense. Just doing gens will already put any (pretty much) non nurse,blight,Spirit in a bad spot. But then again u lose cause survs cant loop whatsoever or dont touch gens for 2 minutes without even being chased. Or like in a lot of matches someone DCs on first down or gives up on hook at 4 gens left.
    Its just a big clown fiesta cause top mmr in dbd is not what it should be and there is one play mode only. So either u dont play sweatty and get tea bagged and insulted as killer or u play sweatty and tunnel and get tea bagged and insulted. Or get a boring m1 pressing surv game. Really good and friendly matches are kinda rare.
    Its hard to find a good solution, but I really think a casual and a ranked mode would bring some fun times and friendlyness to the community.

  14. Killing shouldnโ€™t be the hard role in a game made to play as horror movie monsters. Imagine a Freddy fan buys this game and gets annihilated back to back to back. Killers are this game. Survivor is the mouse and accessory. When did playing as a killer become the side character?

  15. True not bringing one gen defense perk, tunneling one survivor, and bitching about the survs doing gens. Same content as alwaysโ€ฆ.you are TRUEly pathetic


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