Does Skill Actually Exist in Dead by Daylight?

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In this video we’ll discuss if DBD takes any skill. With the current anger over the three genning meta that the BHVR blatantly encouraged. Call of Brine, Eruption, Overcharge, and Nowhere to Hide. The topic of skill needs addressed. And why truthfully Nintendo Switch players are the only skilled players in this Asymmetrical E-sport horror game with Nea.

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25 thoughts on “Does Skill Actually Exist in Dead by Daylight?”

  1. win streaks aren't that "incredibly difficult" with killer lol — edit: I think you enjoy DBD more when you understand the game wins are more Cheese and RNG based than SKILL based. If the game in its current state were to be tested for balance where it was ran through several hundred matches controlled for all variables, had no perks addons or items, had a balanced map seed, and the killer did not camp or tunnel… where the skill of the Survivors and the Killer were evenly matched – I think then we could begin to see if the roles in their current states are unbalanced by nature.

    Is there skill in the game? There is skill to know how to loop, there is skill to know how to time a flashlight save, pallet save etc… There is skill to know how to mind game. There is skill of map knowledge, spawn knowledge, and as killer keeping tabs on the Big picture vs the individual chase. BUUUUTTTT, when considering a WIN … you can never truly determine whether a win is deserved because we simply do not know that the game is balanced. So it doesn't matter. We know the game has the potential to be extremely unbalanced. But we do not actually know the extent of the imbalance, this is because 1) there are SO many bugs 2) there are SO many subtle cheaters 3) PING… yes PING… With hit reg being killer client sided bad PING inherently favors the killer role, which is why killers VPN to other regions to exploit ping. 4) we do not know if the game is fundamentally balanced because we cannot ever test with control… because there is no map seeding.

    I think the biggest takeaway should not be "stop saying that you lost because of bad RNG" – No, KEEP SAYING THAT if that makes you feel better, because it could very well be true — But acknowledge skill in your opponents. What I do…? I know that any number of factors can set the match against me before I even load into the game. So I have already lowered my expectations from possibly surviving whatsoever, and, true sometimes even with extremely rock bottom expectations of the game I am still let down (hardcore tunneling sometimes really dampens the mood, but you just go next) – and so with that in mind… I take the game as it goes and acknowledge the killer's spicy hits and good mind games because those DO take skill. And I do that as killer, too. I acknowledge good spins and stuns and saves etc. Because DBD is horror "Who's Line Is It Anyways" where the rules are all made up and the points mean nothing.

  2. Here are 3 things that are skillful that are underappreciated:

    (1) Being able to identify lethal pursuer vs being able to identify when a killer just luckily found someone early. When I am in a 4-man I often silently don't take certain peoples callouts seriously because I can tell that my teammate isn't skilled enough to tell the difference between a killer that has lethal pursuer and a killer that just got lucky.

    (2) Respecting pain res even if the first person hooked doesn't trigger the perk. A skillful player will respect pain res even if it isn't triggered on first hook because a good player knows that the killer might have just not had a good opportunity to hook the first survivor on a scourged hook. I usually wait for the killer to get 2-3 hooks before I'm comfortable saying the killer doesn't have pain res.

    (3) Knowing how to distribute hook states. Here's what bad players do: They let a person get tunneled out of the game early and put little to no effort into helping their teammate they see getting tunneled. As a general rule it's wise to evenly distribute hook states so the killer doesn't get the urge to tunnel one particular person out of the game early.

  3. I’m not gonna lie. There was a game on the mobile version the other day, where I was the only getting harassed badly by an SWF
    On coldwind.
    I mean, they were fucking with me, hard-core the whole goddamn game, just running in and out taking a hit going off and healing, teabagging me alot flashlighting me every time I go for a hook … without even noticing all of a sudden, three of them were dead, and I was chasing the fourth one with my blood fury going. I was so pissed off and focused on destroying them that I wound up doing it without noticing, and they did not say one word when it was all over. I think I wanted so badly to not hear the clicking of stickers at the end of the match that I ended them without registering it. 😈😇

  4. He obviously was playing that during the time of day when he knew trash survivors would be out in vast numbers. This is especially true when you consider how much he no likes the game

  5. I think greatest skill in DBD as killer is not getting cucked by auto aim. Example: was playing legion and was hunting a survivor that had balanced, they climbed on top of hill and I was just behind em in hitting range. So I go into frenzy and start the slash as they are about to jump off…. in your mind 2 things can happen. I dash and fly off hill missing survivor or I dash and with the end of slash I hit survivor as they land. But no… game has a 3rd option… somehow you hit the ground with your slash which is actually impossible to hit. Or yknow…. you do coup de grace long slash where they're using sprintburst but your slash ends super early and uses the stack cause auto aim decided you hit when you didn't.

  6. Actually Tyde Tyme did a fantastic breakdown of Otz's 50 Game win streaks. In his analysis, he actually shows that OTz lost some of his first win streaks within the first few games. This is because Otz was play by house rules, something he admits to but did not make clear enough in any of his click baity titles. So in all fairness, Otz's win streaks are a bad example because anyone can win by playing by whatever rules they choose to play by.

  7. This is all well and good until you throw coms into the mix. Coms makes such a difference that at high MMR killers can expect to win or loose simply by knowing they are going against a SWF, especially when that SWF chooses the map. So, no, for your well thought out argument about skill, skill really only applies when playing the game properly, as a FFA. When pitted against SWF teams, this changes the game and dramatically shifts the balance in favor of survivor teams meaning a killer balanced for a FFA is entirely at the mercy of a SWF. Take for example that Nurse vs that Sweat Squad you mentioned in your video, in that circumstance, the Survivors still have the advantage because coms along with good coordination will trounce every killer.

  8. I play to enjoy. If I win or lose, I've had fun and probably improved in some way, but I also want to win and when I get frustrated I slap a noed and stick the survivor on a hook next to it. Basically guaranteeing me a kill.

  9. There's hardly any skill involved with dbd, it's mostly about knowledge. It doesn't take skill to tunnel someone out of the game as killer, and it's easy to do gens, or chain strong pallets to windows.

  10. Of course skill is a thing in dbd, I'm a survivor main, pretty average but trying killer and doing quiet a few matches I'm terrible at it I'm lucky to get a hit let alone a hook. The challenge in the bone chill tome "hit a survivor 8 times" after I tried that challenge I only got 4 so an entire match I hit the survivors 4 times… I'm crap 😆

  11. The greatest skill in DBD is to have basic empathy (not the perk)

    – Don’t rub in victories

    – Don’t harass other players

    – Be friendly to everyone you see (in chat)

    – Don’t do generally unacceptable behavior (hit on hook, T bag at the exit gate, or facecamp as bubba)

    An alarmingly amount of players break one or more of the above

  12. Recognizing Passive advantages is another form of skill, knowing what you have to work with vs the opponent is something that only happens with a LOT of hours. Its one thing to get cowshed, but another thing to notice that this cowshed has terrible pallet spawns and poor rng on connected loops so its suddenly far less survivor sided. Or knowing that a totem spawn is really terrible, and can be exploited for pressure rather than for whatever hex it actually is.


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