DOMINATING Survivors with DOMINANCE (that new perk) | Dead by Daylight

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The newest and latest perk to come to DbD, Dominance! It slows the cleansing of your hex perks, so let’s try making a build around it and see what it can do on the Xenomorph

00:00 Intro
01:50 First Game
10:57 Second Game
17:11 Third/Last Game

Thanks for watching! Be sure to check out my Twitch channel, link below 🙂



17 thoughts on “DOMINATING Survivors with DOMINANCE (that new perk) | Dead by Daylight”

  1. As Survivor I’ve been tapping every first totem I see to test for Dominance. If it’s there I just tap all the others I see after to get rid of it regardless of if it’s a hex or not, then leave it for later. It doesn’t seem to be that useful overall, especially if you do it while the killer is in chase already. Wish it were better honestly.

  2. Silly but I saw this on my recommendations, accidentally refreshed before I saw the title or who posted it, and spent half an hour searching for it based off the thumbnail


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