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The newest and latest perk to come to DbD, Dominance! It slows the cleansing of your hex perks, so let’s try making a build around it and see what it can do on the Xenomorph
00:00 Intro
01:50 First Game
10:57 Second Game
17:11 Third/Last Game
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Does it stack with Thrill of the hunt? :p
Great video as always. 3 wins and iridescent vocal narration throughout 😁
it sucks that the perk dominance doesn't really work with pentimento. I feel like the devs will buff dominance in the future so that it does.
As Survivor I’ve been tapping every first totem I see to test for Dominance. If it’s there I just tap all the others I see after to get rid of it regardless of if it’s a hex or not, then leave it for later. It doesn’t seem to be that useful overall, especially if you do it while the killer is in chase already. Wish it were better honestly.
Dominance really should just trigger a notification, it’s kinda dumb that you’re just supposed to always be staring at your totems for them to quietly turn white.
The question is, could you please dominate me ?
Just found this video by chance. I like the idea that the xenomorph is talking to itself and it has this voice lol
Plaything would be interesting
The amount of trouble some people will go through to find value with the most questionable perks. Lol
Enjoyed watching though. Thank you.
Silly but I saw this on my recommendations, accidentally refreshed before I saw the title or who posted it, and spent half an hour searching for it based off the thumbnail
Dominance really needs a buff, in pretty much any totem build you're better off running Undying or Thrill of the hunt.
But good video <3
Trevor deserved that escape lol. Poor guy almost bleeding out because Ace didnt get him. 😢
Um akshually you dont have to cleanse devour. Just dont unhook 👍
Your voice is angelic ❤
Great video!!! Keep up the good work
Strong combo!
I'd probably switch devour or haunted for undying. Keeping devour so exposed with no protection is a death sentence.