Don't be a Chucky Meta Slave! | Dead by Daylight

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Much like other high-tiers, Chucky is extremely good at using the strongest perks in the game. You’ll see a lot of Chucky players …


27 thoughts on “Don't be a Chucky Meta Slave! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Honestly people should stay away from meta and be okay with the losing somewhat. If you're trying really hardcore to win every game you're just going to be miserable in the long run because you're going to be dependent on those perks the higher your MMR goes. If it's one thing that made me enjoy dead by daylight a lot more is being okay with losing. Trying out different builds and meme builds is a lot of fun

  2. can't you just HIDE behind a gen since they show red aura as well and block survivor auras or better yet just hide in a locker which won't show your aura for 10seconds, everyone can see the hud info so you get plenty of time to hide without needed aura hiding perks for survivor. teamate goes down go find a locker, or u see them pickup go to a locker only the obsession has to hide for the full 10secs, everyone else is safe.

    chucky should of only got the ult nerf of slice and dice which was needed. they should of never nerfed scamper! chucky to me is top b-teir now to much stuns/slows placed on the killer anytime he uses his power. i would never consider this killer top teir now after two huge nerfs on power when his power alone is a long cd.

  3. I ran a similar build to your hit and run except I ran his double terror radius reduction addons with monitor and abuse for a very small terror radius! This combined with sloppy and nurses and a perk of your choice you can easily sneak up on unsuspecting victims without even the use of your power 😁

  4. Friends till the end is a scary ass perk even all on its own seeing a teammate go down knowing once they’re hooked he’s coming right for you and you’ll be exposed… terrifying.

  5. He is fun to play as, but he is so OP. It could have been luck, but I will admit that I just played him for my very first time with just his three, tier 1 perks, and adepted 1st try at 3 gens. It felt like cheating.

  6. Not to be negative but these builds won't work against decent survivors. No gen defense means the match can be over in 5 min. Nemesis with the new perk requires lots of hook stages to get consistent value and against decent survivors that won't be easy as a 4.4 killer. Decent survivors will know their check points and not lose track of you so easily.
    I'm not saying you must run the strongest killer perks, but some gen defense is needed to slow down the game on a killer like this against experienced survivors.

  7. A build that I actually use on a lot of killers, but works tremendously well on Chucky, is Discordance, Nowhere to Hide, Overcharge, and Lethal Pursuer with the Aura add ons is insane.
    It's pretty simple, but like I said, it's good on pretty much every killer because it gives info and some slow down but everything else is up to you to keep chase and get downs =)


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