Dredge's Exposed Addons Are Insane | Dead by Daylight

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Dredge is a fun killer, might be a bit on the weaker side overall. Locker teleport midchase are very fun. The building on the new map might be a bit too strong for survivor tho. Might make a video on that soon. Enjoy your day friends.

I stream 5 times a week at https://www.twitch.tv/hens333

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0:00 Intro
0:40 First Game
7:46 Second Game


20 thoughts on “Dredge's Exposed Addons Are Insane | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Overall I think the killer is in a decent place. Good map pressure, and has some form of being able to close chases faster than normal, but it requires skill and has direct and fun counterplay. The main issue with the killer right now is that nightfall is underwhelming. It does almost nothing in terms of actually making it difficult for the survivors to see, and you can't even use the lack of terror radius because the killer becomes a glowstick. You can use his power faster, but the cooldown isn't really an issue to begin with. IMO Nightfall should reduce visibility more and the white aura around the killer needs to go.

  2. lethal pursuer would be nice with these addons since you know where everyone is you can just tag someone and when nightfall is about to end you can teleport to someone else to get the full value

  3. this killer is very well designed imo besides some parts of nightfall.
    the tp to locker can be countered with the lock on the locker but its still mostly in the killers favor. as it should be.
    the tp back to a set place via the remanent is easily countered just like how u would counter artist, aka running away from it.
    the nightfall is kinda lacking because of the white aura mainly i personally think that they should
    1. remove the white aura from the killer
    2. keep the aura on the survivors
    3. either make it so its a lil shorter in time because the aura is no longer on killer OR make it so survivors only have white aura on them if they are 32m near u (this can be a lil annoying to play with tho because u wouldnt be able to see ppl far way like other killers.)
    just my ideas tho

  4. I can see these add ons with lethal pursuer , noed , haunted grounds and whatever hex that moves hex locations but i can see this killer with a basement build with save best for last , the basement notification perk , iron grasp and mad grit

  5. Best killer released since a hot minute. Looks actually scary and he has interesting, perks and power. If only I didn't see him like 50 times before the announcement because of leaks I would be popping off so hard.

  6. im new to the channel n the background super nintendo music is kinda disorienting because the game also has music. makes me thik i have another video playing or something. maybe mute game music or mute the external music. idk, jus seems weird to me


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