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Round 2!
I’m live right now! get on over here –
#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #wesker #newkiller
No one cares but 1st
Forget SWFs, forget nurse, Christmas themed Dwights are the ones who really need a nerf…They're WAY too powerful.
I'm sorry but in a map that big why did you spawn so close?
When does it go live?
I'm glad you're back at playing survivor. Feels like character progression.
Dwight is by far the strongest survivor, prove me wrong. The OG is too powerful.
so it’s a problem when killers that aren’t u tunnel but when it’s u it’s okay huh true talent☕️☕️☕️☕️💀
Stop uploading Wesker videos. I'm trying to find other creators playing Wesker and you're all YouTube recommends for some reason.
10:53 This shit exactly.
As a killer main that plays survivor on and off. It is ridiculous how relaxed the gameplay is. Survivor mains just can't appreciate it because they literally don't play the other side enough.
As a killer you need to micromanage so much. As a survivor you just need to hold up your own. Even if your entire team is potato, you can just switch to playing immersed and let them die off and gamble your shot at the hatch.
There is no, I need to escape this chase or else my entire team loses. Whereas, with killer 1 chase can mean winning or losing the game and it becomes idiotically stressful, if you don't win that particular chase.
Good to see a survivor video. It’s been awhile lol
2:08 fucking 9 second heal. Jesus Christ this game.
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