Dwight Vs Wesker the Rematch! Dead by Daylight PTB

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Round 2!

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12 thoughts on “Dwight Vs Wesker the Rematch! Dead by Daylight PTB”

  1. 10:53 This shit exactly.

    As a killer main that plays survivor on and off. It is ridiculous how relaxed the gameplay is. Survivor mains just can't appreciate it because they literally don't play the other side enough.

    As a killer you need to micromanage so much. As a survivor you just need to hold up your own. Even if your entire team is potato, you can just switch to playing immersed and let them die off and gamble your shot at the hatch.

    There is no, I need to escape this chase or else my entire team loses. Whereas, with killer 1 chase can mean winning or losing the game and it becomes idiotically stressful, if you don't win that particular chase.


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