Echoes of Evolve's Failure and the Relation to Dead by Daylight

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39 thoughts on “Echoes of Evolve's Failure and the Relation to Dead by Daylight”

  1. I think honestly the slow pace of evolve killed the game since the objective of the monster is to try and hide from the mercs at the start and if mercs were casual players they could easily go 15 minutes without even seeing the monster just to get stomped at the end in a matter of seconds. Atleast in dbd even bad players get something to do other than walk around. Game did have some balancing issues but it was ironed out quite well at the end but it was too late since the playerbase had mostly died by that point

  2. I guess I do love roleplaying as survivor, being an altruistic dickhead.
    But yeah this is why I think things in the should be balanced around enjoyment, things like Freddy are unhealthy for the game because it's boring. And stuff like haddonfield being hated even though "statistically" it's fine.

  3. I appreciate the fact I am not the only person who looked at these two games and the spider man meme where both spiderman's just point at each other popped up in my head. It's really sad because I use to play evolve and it's similarities to DBD is crazy…

  4. First of all evolve had TONS of microtransactions ON LAUNCH which caused a big commotion and made a lot of players who played the beta turn away from the game.

    Their second mistake was watering down player roles. For example at launch the trapper was the only one who could put up a dome to trap the monster and due to backlash of people playing with randoms they gave everyone the dome which was a BIG buff to hunters. It kind of made a lot of the teamwork needed to kill the monster obsolete.

    After a while the game just became very unbalanced with devs rebalancing everything continuously but to no avail. There's still an evolve community out there playing the game in private lobbies and holy shit did I get destroyed when i tried it.

  5. I enjoyed Evolve, but yeah, once the sweat squads started taking over, it got really horrid. It went from 4 out of 5 games were fun, 1 was kind of insufferable, to 3 out of 5 made me just want to uninstall. Until I eventually did.

    For the day it was on, I loved MMR. I'm at 800 hours. All of my games were incredibly fair and fun. No one (with non-private profiles) were over 1200 hours, no one was under 500. The wins were competitive until the end, the losses were competitive until the end. My normal nights in prime time are stressful and full of people with 5x my hours just sweating on my game, and if I want to try to win, I have to play a killer I know with a build I'm familiar with. For 24 hours, I got to play any killer I wanted and I got to learn and have fun. I didn't get gg ez kys on my one perk, level 1 huntress at red ranks because I've never played her before and they threw me to the wolves with normal matchmaking. I got fair matches against people my skill level and discovered that I absolutely love her.

    And then in the days since, I've realized… this is not the right step for the game. MMR is great for new players, it's great for people at my skill level. Back in the day, when I played survivor, after first installing the game many months ago, the third killer I ever got was OhTofu. I don't think anyone would argue that that's fair at all. It sure wasn't a fun game. My average game is somewhere between fine and fun, with about 2 out of 10 being horrid sweat squads. MMR will completely skew that once I put in a few more hours. I think there should be some manner of change from the current system, but MMR is not the way, especially not one for a competitive scene.

  6. Fuck what the devs want lol. Give me that dub until the game is rebalanced or dead. If a game falls apart at its foundation the instant you try to understand how to win it, it's a trash game that practically deserves to be broken by players imo

  7. The real reason Evolve failed is that DPS just wasn't fun to play. Healers and supports were some of the best designed version of those roles in gaming history, but 90% of players don't want to play those roles.

  8. I remember being able to absolutely destroy the mercs who did the common strats like sticking om eachothers asses and full protecting the medic when the gorgon released because you could just get them all stuck together and do that. Whilst when people were seperated it didnt really thrive. But then with behemoth if they all sat on eachother there was nothing you could do, but then if they split up a little you could further the gaps between them and it was so cool. I miss evolve

  9. For me the biggest difference between evolved and DBD, is the objectives. Which I know sounds obvious. But in evolve both sides are trying to kill one another and take the position of power. Where as in DBD, the killer hunts survivors and survirvors avoid/run from the killer and complete generators. It creates a different dynamic which better suits the asymmetrical style of play.

  10. I like the food for thought. But if I may input a little on your comparison of Evolve to DBD. Evolve's hunter classes were all very mechanically different, and never shared any skill between each other. DBD survivors only have there exclusive perks till you learned them for your other survivors. So Survivors in DBD are essentially not mechanically different. I think this makes and gives DBD a better chance of reaching more of a balance. And it is, compared to Evolve. A big h reason why Evolve failed was because Hunters absolutely needed to work as a team and if one died off it was nearly impossible to recover, because of the mechanical depends. It was extremely hard to kill a good monster unless you had a good team and even then it was hard. In short it was extremely monster sided and I personally think the devs didn't have enough time to come up with solutions. DBD is way more balanced then evolve for an asymmetrical game. PS I miss evolve

  11. In dbd, the survivors can play separately, so you can play solo, hope you team is decent, but you can do well by yourself. In Evolve, the 4 humans needed to play together, that could failed miserably. I think that's an important aspect of DbD in my opinion, amongst other things.

  12. I think it's worth mentioning F13: The game. It was the furthest from competitive you can imagine and it was always fun. It didn't had any matchmaking or rank. It was just a game for fun. The game kinda died after the whole licensing rights bullyshit, but it worked and people still play it even when the dedicated servers were shut down.

  13. Identity V did it though and it's still alive, this video seems like fear mongering just to try to create a stir cause people take content creators words too seriously.

  14. I loved evolve and played It up until they shut servers down. I was a gorgon main. I hope dbd doesnt follow suite. Hope evolve makes a come back, as well! Although, my hopes wont be high..

  15. Scott if you could just like….become one of the Devs, not necessarily on the programming side of the game but more about just the direction it gets taken in? That'd be great. Even if you have to like, replace one of the existing devs by like wearing their skin (go for Almo)

  16. I’m wondering what are your thoughts on SpookNJukes video on why he tunnels since he says he plays to have him be fun and he doesn’t play to make others have fun

  17. Umm no evolve did not fail because of esports marketing not even remotely close.

    It failed because their mt scheme was TERRIBLE
    Hunters didn't know how to play the game and especially trackers back when only the tracker could dome the monster. If they can't dome the monster then you're constant chasing

    And lastly terrible monsters who don't know how to work hit and run tactics into their. Game plan while leveling up instead of just running constantly till they hit level 3.

    THAT is why evolve failed. Because the game was actually EXTREMELY well balanced imo. I played hunters and killers and I loved playing tracker especially as the hunters. But like all asymmetrical games if your team is trash you're GONNA get smashed. That's just the nature of asymmetrical games. And when the enemy avoids combat for 20 minutes that doesn't help either

    I think if they remade that game knowing what they know now. The experience would be significantly better for gamers in general.

  18. There's quite a lot of difference between Evolve and DbD. Sure, you can make some parallels but this is all assumptions. Evolve never got big enough to sustain itself, there were quite a lot of micro transactions while also having the base game pay to play. Dbd wasn't quite that at the beginning. The only two DLC which were required for the majority of this game's span are the Leatherface pack and the Hag pack. Even then, I've played for years with the Leatherface only and had no real problem. Dbd somehow made to the point, where it can't be killed just by releasing 2 terrible patches back to back. I don't think that going MMR would change that. Sure, at the beginning stage, where there were no medium vaults etc, going comp would destroy the game, TBH I don't even know how DbD survived that long with the few first years being ridiculously survivor-sided. I guess players being bad is always an excuse, although if I remember correctly basically 60-70% of people have played trapper at that time because only he stranded a real chance. Personally I would get much better teams when playing with MMR since I play really chill and don't care about gens too much, knowingly prioritizing chases over them (unless the team I go against is actually really good).

  19. I've owned the game 3 weeks and the problem you described in the first few minutes is EXACTLY what's wrong with it. I don't have nearly enough of the killers levelled up to access "competitive" builds, so when I (lvl 8 killer) come up against a 4-man red sweat squad with 3 torches and that 1 guy with object of obsession I give up inside. When they also dump me in haddonfield, I know I'm gonna spend all game watching them teabag me on endless loops!

    Playing as survivor I never seem to get the same feeling. Doesn't seem to be nearly as many sweaty killers.

    The fun games however, really are great fun!

  20. I always enjoyed Evolve much more than DBD. I, honestly, think it was much, much better and actually BALANCED, game.

    Main issue in DBD, in my opinion, is that one team (killer) has the objective of interacting (killing) with the other team. While the other team (survivors) can crouch in the corner and still 'win'. Or to be more precise – not every team member has to interact with the killer. As a game designer myself, I find that decision very… weird at least.


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