END GAME WRAITH! – Dead by Daylight!

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.tv

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/tru3ta1ent


21 thoughts on “END GAME WRAITH! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. I think in recent times, there are no consequences to derogatory comments and stuff like that towards any group. Some people love to type hate behind a computer knowing that nothing will happen. When we were kids, we enjoyed the simplest things in life . In these times, kids arent the same. It has become an online world where writing hate and derogatory comments has become normalised to a point where nothing can be done when we know something needs to be done.

  2. @TrU3Ta1ent and/or anyone

    Since there aren't many people here yet, I had a balance idea I have been running by people and would love some thoughts on.

    What if when Killers kicked a generator, it would be standard (base feature) to apply a weak overcharge skill check.

    The skill check would:

    Keep the generator regressing until successfully hit.

    Instantly regress the generator by X percent when missed.

    Be about 20-50 percent bigger than the overcharge skill check size.

    Increase in size with every miss.

    Not cause a noise notification if missed.

    The generator would have to be worked on for 1.5+ seconds before the skill check occurs and would reappear after a 1 – X second delay. (With the delay being caused by the player being zapped)

    If multiple players are on the gen, the size is increased by 75 percent per player, but can still only be done by 1 person.

    Potentially, players would only be able to do the skill check from the side the gen was kicked. (Though this could be a bit much, as it could be cheesed.).

    I feel like this would be a good counter to gen tapping, and would bring back some meaning to gen kicking. It would also teach players to better hit smaller skill checks without ruining their gameplay.

  3. Im not sure how identifying someone has an accent as being unintelligent. We all have accents to each other, depending where you live and were born. The only race is the human race tho. I can agree to there being a lot of ignorance regarding that.

  4. So has anyone else been experiencing an issue where you’ll hit a survivor before they drop a pallet and for whatever reason they don’t get injured or downed even though they make the sound of them getting hit? Cuz I’ve been having this happen like every other game.

  5. Give every other killer 150% and wall hack and they will look strong too. It's so funny to hear how to use noed where u are like racing car running all over and see everyone.

  6. As someone with ADHD, whenever people ask if anyone in the lobby is retarded, I just tell ‘em “yes I am, clinically, and if you can’t respect that then shut up. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say nothin at all.” It really tests that person’s intentions and I love seeing all the different reactions. Met some great people that way, and exposed many awful people, but usually people can’t respond directly to me, and they just focus on the gameplay or DC.

    Also NOED OP change my mind. 😜

    Ok but TrU3 holding this kid in chat up for YT to see is kind of a chad move. He’s not even being rude, he’s just trying to reach out to them and they’re spitting at his hand. TrU3 is a total bro

  7. Complains about virtue signalling sjw types. Proceeds to virtue signal about how he doesn't see race, a typical sjw platitude that's a lie every time. Everyone sees race. Race matters, no matter how idealistic anyone is, since all humans are tribal. BLM is the result of putting races in close proximity to each other. It's dislike of whites being in their territory. This is normal human behaviour. Racism isn't a problem when races are separated as is natural. But forced multiracialism causes the division and hate. Diversity plus proximity equals conflict.

  8. Sometimes you'll find someone running multiple social accounts that they will use to start a racist fight or other type of fight and then proceed to argue with themselves and post their heroic results to virtue signal.

  9. About the day off twitch:
    It wasn't being said only specific groups get hate raids. it was being said people of specific groups would get hate raids based on their specific groups. And when they complain about it, other people would brush off saying Twitch had tools to deal with it, which some streamers behind Day Off said they don't work well enough and they have to use 3rd party tools to deal with it.
    Still, using tools to block the hate raids is to treat the symptoms instead of curing the disease. Since it's easy to make several accounts, people just make 100 bots and if they get banned they make 100 more.
    And the people behind the movement only criticized the ones that talked about the movement as it being a way to call for attention. Tend to be the same group of people that call others "snowflakes" and to deal with shit on the internet because it is what it is.


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