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Hey all it’s Potato Pyramid Head here I hope you’re keeping very well!

Today we have a survivor complaining that I did not 2 hook every survivor before killing someone off, and that’s what tunnelling is.

I think I played rather fairly 🙂

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🎵Ending Music by: thesedonas.com – “Blues” 🎵

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29 thoughts on “ENTITLED SURVIVOR THINKS KILLERS SHOULD 12 HOOK! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Your as toxic as a bottle of water

    Also I just realized something if someone says your trash then how come I got put up to your skill level if your so good since this is skill based matchmaking. vsauce music starts playing

  2. I get the sentiment of the survivor but potato played a fair game. I had one time where I killed a player within the first 3 minutes on accident because I used Third seal on PH (third seal trail of torment fun build) so it took a while for the survivors to find their Claudette who was in the basement and went into second hook. I then ran back to the hook because well…that is a game and I knocked down what I thought was the SECOND Claudette (they had 3 all with the same items and cosmetics) and went to cage her and chase the first one….And it turned out to be the First claudette

  3. Doesn’t their comment literally counter their argument though? “Everyone else was on 1 hook, explains it all don’t you think.” Exactly, so the killer didn’t tunnel. Sure, a lot of killers are good at multitasking, but finding, chasing, downing, and hooking other survivors while tunnelling 1 survivor is a pretty incredible feat 🤔 I feel like a lot of people think that dying early in a match automatically means tunnel, but that’s not the case.

  4. "she's dead and everyone else is one hook!" bitch both kate and meg are death hook and claud is one hook…tf you on about he basically 2 hooked lmao. Only reason claudette is not death hook is cuz she did a damn good job hiding after she got hooked once. Forgot she was even hooked until I glanced and the hook counter. Maybe check that what you're saying is true before you start spouting bs in this mans chat. DW tho with your salt and legion's potatoes, I'm sure you guys will make some tasty french fries!

  5. Doesn't matter what you do, will be called a tunneller regardless lol, i was playing huntress the other day and i was vsing a streamer. I had 2 people dead, one hooked and the other going to save. I was huntress so obviously i waited until they got unhooked and threw my hatchet at them and knocked the guy that got unhooked because of no BT and then i went after the last guy, killed him went back and tried to give the last guy hatch.

    He didn't wiggle at all when i was finding it for him, but when i found it and dropped him off at it, he didnt go into the hatch. Was confused so i went into their stream later and the guy the streamer was playing with was like "I don't your hatch" then proceeded to say i tunnelled him. In end game chat i wrote "gg why didnt you want hatch?" he didn't write anything back to me but out loud in the stream he said "I don't wanna vs campers and tunnellers like you"

    It's just sad no matter what you do, you always get shit talked by survivors. Legit played "fairly" according to how survivors want killers want to play the game most of the match and i even tried to give them hatch. But no, that's not good enough smh

  6. I’m not trying to sound like someone who’s trying to suck up to you but honestly dawg I think you play smarter not harder. Why put yourself in difficult situations when you don’t need to

  7. The only toxic thing a Killer can do is wait longer than 60 seconds to pick up the final survivors from the floor and hook them. That's it. Everything else is fair game to win. If BHVR wants killers to win by 12-hooking, they need to change the game to support that.

  8. i just held a poor pinhead’s power hostage and feel bad now cause he dc’d. so with EVERY cenobite i play against i steal their box instantly and this was the same case. i was planning to hide and sneak all game until the killer was pinhead. so i take the box and fyi i only take the box and keep it for as long as i can because i love the little song the box plays when you hold it. so pinhead was trying to down me but couldn’t and i’m pretty sure they got mad cause they didn’t get to use their box ( teleport and chain hunt) anyway sorry to that pinhead

  9. What’s funny about people like that is they obviously have never felt the pressure of a good team and clearly play at low skill. This guy will be the type to unhook their teammate with no bt right in front of the killer and not take a hit or protect them and then blame you for tunneling hahah

  10. The only tunneling was when you sent Zarina to Gulag. She had just been unhooked and ou had another survivor to go for (that ou even hit). But not tunneling there would be stupid, since the other survivor had gotten the sprint burst from being hit and Zarina was cursed.
    PH have a built-in anti DS, why should ou not use it when you have the chance?
    And you did 12 hook, considering the executions.


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