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46 thoughts on “ERUPTION IS GETTING NERFED! THEY GONNA KILL IT? Dead by Daylight”

  1. Devs of this game should do one simple thing. True or any top player should give them choice to play on their accounts. On their MMR on their level. They should play on actual level. Not their ASH IV like they used to. But on actual level of top players. There they will have perfect info about the actual game state. If for them is killer so easy that it need a nerf. Then they should have no problem to kill everyone in 2 minutes, right? That delusional overlooking is atrocious.

  2. I've been following this game since 2016, and been following tru3 for longer, and it never fails that the devs of DBD always gut and ruin every single strong killer option to the point of it being unusable, yet every strong survivor option gets methodically tweaked and endlessly reworked carefully in such a way that it always remains at the top. it's so tiresome.

  3. Alright lgbthvr devs this is what we're gonna do this year

    Buff survivor bots
    Buff maps so they would be in survivors favor
    Map Repeat prevention which is a really important thing cuz what would we be without This feature it really helps us ofc

    now you might ask what about killers. DO NOT WORRY we have exactly what you need

    NERF KILLER PERKS here you go and if you're still not satisfied we have a bigger surprise for you

    We'll NERF KILLER RANDOMLY FOR YA so you could enjoy your game more and more to some extent that you would leave the game and don't look back

    Lgbthvr putting a lot of work recently i'm deeply concerned about their mental and physical health they're doing a lot for Killers…. i fear if the game becomes Killer sided….

  4. If the devs are going to adjust eruption, then I would imagine many other gen defense perks will be looked at. I'm expecting a nerf to call of brine and jolt. Hopefully some chase perks will get some buffs

  5. They nerfed 2 times ruin with the undying combo too, they nerfed pop twice, then little nerf to pain resonance, now they obviously want to nerf eruption, maybe call of brine and overcharge too… All this killer stuff changed so many times in the past 2 years but fcking prove thyself still the same shit from ages

  6. You don't like things that have no gameplay/counterplay for Killer. But Eruption is fine guys. Literally removes gameplay from Survivors, and the counterplay is to always have comms with whichever person is in chase, or get off the Gen until they go down. But yeah guys, he's impartial.

    EDIT: Also it's one of the perks that causes genlock play styles, so seriously can we not pretend it's fine? Literally nerf this meta into the ground, and bring back the old, or something else. As long as it doesn't stall games to be an 30–60 minutes long I could care less.

  7. Eruption is a bit much I'm glad it's getting nerfed but I will be disappointed to see nothing is done to reduce the effectiveness of stacking gen regression and stacking instantaneous gen progression for survivor

  8. As much as it does need a nerf I hope they don’t completely Nuke it. I do feel it is too strong but it being strong isn’t a bad thing if they rework it a way where slowdown wise it’s equal but your not blocked from gens for as long I think could be a good fix (ex buffing the regression but nerfing the incapacitated effect)

  9. I'll say it again here: my ideal eruption nerf is blocking the gens that were being worked on instead of incapcitating the survivors. it's only slightly weaker, but it alleviates a lot of the problem survivors have: standing around for 25 seconds is boring. In fact, it's the only time you get incapacitated that isn't an immediate threat on your life.
    They could also give some sort of action speed penalty to the survivors, I suppose.

  10. It's so funny that killers lose any good thing they have going for them but things like dead hard and coh stay around for ages, getting very slight changes that barely affect their effectiveness and survivors their minds lol. They should just take the ability to play killer out of the game and replace it with the braindead trapper bot from the tutorial.

  11. well there goes eruption i was always right everytime they touch killer perks they will kill it same for ruin pop thana now eruption next pain resonance and deadlock. i am done with this game. killers have to work 100% more than 4 survivors together.

  12. I think a good eruption change is to reduce the incapacitated status effect to 10-15 seconds or revert it back to it's original state and maybe add a decent time for incapacitated. For dead hard I think the survivor should suffer the hindered status effect until healed or downed for how slow a survivor should be after being hit is still something I haven't thought of.

  13. Survivors/killers group 1: eruption doesn't need a nerf + reason, survivors/killers group 2: eruption needs a nerf + reason……. after eruption gets nerfed/changed: New survivor/killer group 1: this eruption change is dogshit and butchered the perk, new survivor/killer group 2: oh the nerf isn't that bad its still useful

  14. Honestly, Eruption only needs a few tweaks to not be a soloQ destroyer but still be a good perk that won't fall into Territorial Imperative category.

    Have it so it takes 10% regression and incapacitates BUT doesnt make it regress further (so even if you're incapacitated you don't have to watch the gen regress even further until you can get back on it)


    If Eruption activates while a Survivor is working on it, it takes 10% and blocks the gen while regressing normal speed for 25 seconds instead of incap. If it activates and all Survivors either let go in time or no one was working on it, then it just takes 10% and starts regressing normally until someone interacts with it, like a kick-activated Pain Res.

    Either of those would work to make it less annoying for SoloQ while not changing much for SWF. After that, all that's left is removing the info part of Call of Brine, getting 200% regression for 1 minute is plenty strong especially when combined with other perks/ways to prevent Survivors from getting back on it.

  15. Was funny to watch all your fans defend eruption like it wasn't busted lmaooo. Just shows people don't know what they are saying about the game they just complain for easy brainless wins

  16. Makes me miss the og pip system…like true said if the win condition changed and hooks are favored over kills it would really help the health of the game; sadly seems the devs wanna keep pushing kills to win, survivors will complain and get buffs, forces killers to play more “unfun” and the cycle continues…

  17. Sees eruption being mentioned, but not a much stronger perk dead hard – "IT HURTSSSS!" No, but seriously, it's pathetic how these big companies succumb to their players eventually. Dbd and survivors have the same relationship as LoL and adcs. Ironically, the more feminine roles bitch more and they get what they want. So they can tea bag, its so sweaty man, its total psychological battle at this point, they cry and then they go into the game to not give a shit while killers tryhard. You see this with every killer main thats truthful "im gonna play surv to chill out" because for 4 survs (people with weak/normal mentalities) you can very often find 1 lunatic to enternain them basically. Might as well start going insidious Bubba with blood warden and hope for the altruism fighting for 3k as a win condition. Or tombstone Myers, just kill one dude no dh no nothing and call it a day. Coz pop is shit now, one of the best perks is basically shit. Destroyed. Make it 20 percent total and it will be balanced and picked 20 percent vurrent is a joke. Eruption will be 5 regression/10 seconds incapitated or they may even change how incapitated works COZ GOD FORBID IF SURVIVORS ARE STOPPED FOR 5 SECONDS

  18. hook system for skill would be nice quality of life, kill = skill no longer have value since even baby killers with broken builds can beat pretty strong survivors that also using strong builds. game is all about RNG and servers quality nowdays.

  19. I still find it crazy why PGTW was nerfed. It was actually a very healthy perk for both sides. Survivors are always complaining about hook camping, so then why did they want to nerf a perk that literally makes the killer want to leave the hook to go kick a gen, since you get absolutely no value from it if you stay at the hook.
    The same thing with ruin, it made killers leave to go pressure gens otherwise ruin does absolutely nothing if you camp the hook and survivors stay on gens.
    Seriously, if you're a survivor that hates being camped on first hook then you should want killers to be using ruin or pop because it incentivises killers to actually leave after hooking, and yet those perks were killed…


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