Escapes That Should NOT Have Happened! Pt.2

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41 thoughts on “Escapes That Should NOT Have Happened! Pt.2”

  1. Bruh how do you randoms actually know they’re playing dead by daylight?? Mine try to start camp fires in the corner of the map knowing I’m on 1st hook and leave me to die

  2. I think that the fact we know ur escaping kills the suspense and kinda spoils the vid, like when bubba hooked u we all knew that u don't really die cuz of the title. Just a suggestion, nothing more

  3. One of my friends recommended ur channel to me a few days ago while talking about dbd youtubers and after binge-watching ur videos nonstop since I checked u out, I’m actually baffled by the fact that u only have 20k subs. Keep grinding bro because I promise you once the YouTube algorithm starts helping you out a bit more, your sub count is about to blow up. Good luck man👍

  4. The Deathslinger could have easily prevented you from escaping by body blocking and then shooting you.
    Instead he decided to give you a free speed boost via the hit and dead hard to dodge the gun.


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