Every Killer Adept Achievement Ranked Easiest to Hardest (Dead by Daylight)

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Hey everyone, I recently completed every adept achievement in the game. In today’s video I’ll be ranking how easy they were for the killer side.

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Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
Clean and Dance – An Jone
The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake

Intro 0:00
Not a challenge at all 1:09
Slightly challenging 1:44
Mildly challenging 4:40
Very challenging 10:26
Extremely challenging 13:22
Outro 13:37


45 thoughts on “Every Killer Adept Achievement Ranked Easiest to Hardest (Dead by Daylight)”

  1. I'll be going to Germany on the 11th and so this is the last video for maybe up to a week. There will be shorts releasing still and a special video next week too whilst I'm there. If you want to keep up to date or interact you can join the Discord. I'm pretty active on there 😎

  2. I had a first trapper game would've gotten it but it bugged out. Had meri victory, iri everything and double pip </3 I did the ones I find easy first, Onryo, Freddy. Huntress was one try for me even tho I'm super bad at her. Wraith took 3 tries only b/c it kept bugging out and not giving me credit. The same with shape-easy to get 4k even w/ NO addons but it wouldn't proc. Dredge took me one try. I was able to do ghostface/pinhead in one try as well but it didn't proc. The stuff is very buggy. The ones I'm not good at are nurse/blight/artist so it's funny those you put as easy, so I hope they'll be easy for me, too.

  3. So I'm not the only one that gets shockingly good results with Billy.
    I have 3 or 4 adepts but his was the first one I ever got. I wasn't even trying, I just had to do a daily ritual of chainsawing people, and for no good reason I just put the three perks because I didn't care about leveling him up (prestige 0, level 18 or something), and boom, adept…. Ok

  4. The thing I hate about the new adept system is the fact that a dc completely ends your chance of getting the achievement.
    It’s completely out of your control, at any point in the game you could lose all the effort you put in because 1 person decides to quit. I hope they change that

  5. I agree with clown being the hardest but myers was really hard for me. I'm not brilliant with him anyways but his perks kinda counter his play style. Hes power rewards one hit downs and slugs while stbfl and pwyf reward a hit and run tactic. I ended up going jumpscare myers on lerys to get the achievement

  6. Thankfully, I was able to get the achievement for adept Wraith on my first game. But I played Trapper adept style, and I did right the three unique perks, the 4k on survivors, both iridescent add-ons, but for some reason, I didn't get the achievement for the 4k adept style Trapper and I was so confused about what went wrong. But so far, I got up towards the Huntress.

  7. idk why but wraith, sadako, huntress and TRAPPER(?) i did in one game. huntress was after 50 total hours in the game, but the rest were very recent (150 killer hours total)

  8. It's crazy that Clown is so high. I started with Clown last June and first game I could have gotten a 4k if I didn't let the last survivor go, mostly because I was surprised that I had a good beginner's luck and didn't cared if the last survivor had hatch or not.

    With that said, I agree, he used to have amazing perks before the overhaul, Pop is only good with high mobile killers, and even then has to compete with other perks that aren't gen related. Coulrophobia is just a meme with Doctor like Huntress Lullaby, and while Bamboozle is still pretty good, not too many killers are without anti loop of some sort. Not saying his perks need a buff, but Clown's perks have been powercrept or just aren't useful. People should still give him a try if you are starting out as he is quite easy to pilot, plus you can do some tricks with him, but I wouldn't recommend him if you are looking to unlock good teachables. At this point Trapper has better perks thanks to Brutal Strength and Agitation, both have their uses with any killer really even if there's better perks, but he would be one of the killer to start since he forces you to learn the maps with his bear traps and his two teachables have decent applications. You probably won't play him again so you might as well get him prestiged and then you can pass on him if you want to. Wraith would be another, however I feel it's best you get at least one other killer prestiged so that you can give him more perks to work with. Pop can actually work with Wraith as his cloak ability makes good use of the perk to get around more quickly, same with Bamboozle. It just really depends on the type of play style you want, plus since Wraith's perks are mostly bad, there should be no hurry in getting him past level 50. Fun to play, but really needs teachables to do very well.

  9. yeah the characters you have played often are really in a diffrent spot than others you play less. All though i hadnt played him in a bit, Freddy games where hell yesterday for me. Maybe it was just yesterday so many tryhards, those days exist where everyone sweats more than usual but also i feel my MMR generally has increased to a point where its too hard. So i will try to change my gameplay accordingly, maybe try out some other perk combos or i loose another 10 games today and hopefully my MMR drops again XD

    So i cant even be bothered about adept when even playing "normal" games are a challenge right now, maybe in the far future when im a 4000 hours DBD veteran. Currently sit at 1200 hours. (edit: I think i have alredy a few adepts because there are some in tome challenges, Wraith for sure but that was because it was in a tome challenge too XD and also i was at low mmr back then.)

  10. I got Trapper Adept the first match I attempted it, which was also the first time I played Trapper at all. Meanwhile, it took me many matches to do the same with Pyramid Head, who I had a little practice with.

  11. I also did all the adapts and I remember having to do 8 games with Plague because her event scores where still bugged. So you were almost not able to get any point for the category that regards killer power. Made me lose my shit because I didn't know what I was doing wrong

    Also when I started, I remember thinking you weren't allowed to use addons. So to keep it consistent, I did all of them without addons. Which is a little challenge I made for myself

  12. Fun fact, before the Merciless Killer change, adept Freddy is pretty much perkless Freddy, since two of his perks only do something when the gens are done, and Fire Up gets more effective the more gens get done

  13. I've only Adepted half of the killers and I don't remember how challenging I thought some were but I know for sure my most challenging one was the Nurse! on the other hand, my easiest was the Spirit because I got it the first time I even tried playing as her!

  14. I think the biggest thing that makes Doctor's adept hard is Monitor actually HURTING your big static blast because it's based on your terror radius. Since your terror radius is smaller unless you are in chase you can't just blast normally to find people as well as blast for a bit of slowdown since survivors will have to snap out of it.

  15. Something to keep in mind for adepts is that their difficulty will vary between everyone. Due to MMR the more that you play a killer the harder the adept is in a lot of cases. Any killer that i had a lot of experience on had a REALLY difficult adept, even though i was used to the power, the skill of the survivors is dramatically higher on average the more you have played the killer. This is definitely something to keep in mind when ranking adept difficulty by number of games and personal experiences. It's not to say all games will be brutal, but a larger majority of them will be, and I noticed you felt that on a few killers in your adepts as well!

  16. I try to get the Adepts during the first week of a Killer being out, since most players in the ranks I hang about don't quite know how to deal with them yet, it's usually first game with a new killer, no Perks, next lot Adept till I get it…

  17. For me Adept Doctor is pure evil. My very first (and for now also the last) try I was sent to RPD by survivors, managed to get merciless killer with all 4 iridescent emblems, 4k as well, but still didn’t get the achievment. Maybe I should kill 5 or 6 survivors in one game, Idk 🤷‍♂️

  18. I got a 4K, 4 Iri emblems on frikking Ormond with Wraith and the achiev didn't trigger. I just took screenshots and decided I got it. Never trying it again.
    Same thing with Cenobite, but at least it's not a miserable experience, so I might try again.

  19. Wesker I had a bit of issue with becuaee I kept getting survivors who would dc wouldn’t give me long chases, they all weren’t very good and not coordinated at all

  20. I can say that as I decided to get adept with every killer before picking a favorite, my experience was pretty chill, I didn't knew you could use add-ons at the beginning of that, so I did half the killers without add-ons before knowing that, then when I learned you could, I still did them without add-ons to get a better idea of the base power, it was fun

  21. I think my hardest adepts was
    by the time you set up a few traps 3-4 gens are done which is pain trapper has to waste so much time setting stuff up
    i ethier got people dc an were usless or i got people who slammed gens an it punishes you for downing people with his saw.
    Plague was worst for me took 12 attempts
    i got heviliy punished for using my power an ha da lot of strong teams.
    Now they changed the way adepts work i hope people find it easier as the emblem stuff was a nightmare.
    oh an my easiest was huntress did in 1 attempt basically playing perkless with her trash perks

  22. As Someone who has gotten all Adapts on Killer before the "4k = Merciless" Update:
    ~My 3 Hardest Killers to adapt were Plague, Bubba, & Wesker; otherwise I got the rest of the Killers in 1~3 games {Nurse took me about 5, but only After I used the Matchbox add-on}.
    Plague took me 18 games because Infection gave me issues with Emblems, So I M1 w/ her and Puked on Hook for Slow down; Bubba I just Couldn't figure out his chainsaw, so I used it on Pallets & Played him M1; Wesker I got right when he came out & his Power was bugged with Emblems, So I used the Pallet Breaking Add-on and M1 w/ him {was also at Iri4 Rank, making it harder too}.


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