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Hey everyone, today we’re doing a fun list. I was shocked to find this was one list I haven’t updated, with my previous one being over 2 years old, so I thought we’d update it today, with there being nearly 10 new characters in the game since. I’m going to stick with the same tiers. Zzz, Generally boring, Can go either way, Often fun, and Almost always enjoyable. Let’s get into it.
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Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake
Clean and Dance – An Jone
Intro 0:00
Zzz 0:24
Generally boring 0:38
Can go either way 2:16
Often fun 5:37
Almost always enjoyable 8:54
Outro 11:08
This perspective u give is from a low tier skilled pov I've seen a bunch of your game clips all of them are of unskilled players so I guess from a inexperienced player this is what they generally think
I almost always have a blast playing as Dredge (definitely my favorite killer out of the ones I have), but good god the map-reliance of his power really does hinder him sometimes, especially like you said on Shelter Woods with a WHOLE CORNER of the map being completely lockerless.
When you DO get a good map, however, they're insanely fun whenever you can use your teleporting to your advantage, maybe even scaring a few survivors here and there >:]
My favourite is definitely blight, hug techs, z flicks, pinballing around and zooming with blighted crow. Feels really good to anti loop shack because survivors aren't expecting you to slide around it like butter
The fact you put skull merchant and hag above spirit is killing me
pig :3
I was literally looking for this kind of video last night, could you not have gotten it out a couple hours earlier!!!???
you opinions are very interesting honestly. i cant say youre wrong or get mad, its your opinion afterall. but i just find it so crazy someone could find freddy or skull merchant more fun than doc or spirit. i totally understand your argument for why such a strong easy to play killer is boring btw, i just personally would find other killers more boring
Make a tier list of most scary killers who are most likely to spook players
As a billy main, messing up is fun for me lol. It just makes you wanna do better next time, and feathering then curving has always felt the most rewarding in the game for me. Even when the loop is hard to curve you just can’t stop without trying to curve everything.
Let's goooooooooooo for Nemesis
Slinger is the best! 😀
I was waiting for Pyramid Head to show up and the fact that he's your #2 made me smile!
Sure, he might not be the best at keeping map pressure, but strategizing with him and mindgaming shots through the wall and at pallets is so much fun.
Ngl, keep it going bro
For me Doctor, Blight and Artist are the most fun.
did you forget onryo or am i tripping
Based Slinger enjoyer.
Is cool to see Deathlinger top is very fun and his hitbox are more fair that the huntress one and there is nothing more good that shoot in a little one and get a survivor
Putting singularity anywhere except bottom is incorrect
As a spirit main i wouldn’t say she’s the most boring she can be satisfying getting hits like nurse
YAR! MAN! I gotta story to tell!
(It's a good one.)
I was just minding my business, just gaming…
There was this bully right!
Didn't even seem like the bully type!
Walked right up to me, and said you best not be better All Might.
I said you could be right, but me I'm not the caring type!
So I walked away, and he hit me with a fraud so bright!
It would cease the night, it would kill those right, and warn you outta line then you best go get your affairs all right.
He countered did I say you could walk away scrub! Keeping up the predation till I lost my PATIENCE.
Then I spun around, and whipped out two of my word guns!
So I got up to them, and I punched them in the faces. They got annoyed, and hit back with cyberstalking wastes!
It left tastes, but I absorbed it without traces!
Apathetic glance indulge your ugly faces!
There'd be no response, but you best say your graces!
My count may be weak, but I'll leave you in a tweak.
Don't mess with me, when I'm just gaming, when I'm just gaming, and when I'm just gaming.
Mess around, and catch a sting when I'm just gaming, when I'm just gaming…Just just gaming
GOT MY FIX, Got my chair, got my strength, and my will back. EVEN F winning with my best friends respect, (JACKED!)
Yet this is not a hat trick this is not a game, and no it's not magic…
This is psychiatric, moves so elastic, and the way I twist you up got me feeling FANTASTIC
Man the way I mix it up got them ignoring in masses…
This is my song for the day, and I just served your @zzes
character development for azhy putting freddy that high
Big deal tier list
you missed demo-pup🥲