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This video goes over every killer license that Behaviour could bring into Dead by Daylight as the new killer.
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No supernatural or Jojo, I’m so depressed
I know it's a lot, but both Indoraptor AND Velociraptors can have a place in this game, both with their own mechanics. Large creature doing stealth with powerful attacks vs smaller, stealthier with more searching powers and maybe a unique lunge with lil raptors
Damn i didnt see fatal frame there forgot to click it on the list. Time to do a second survey lol. Was happy to see x files on the list, hoping to see dino crisis or turok someday
I would love Hellsing Ultimate but we just got Castlevania😢
Charmed? God I hope they mean the original series 😮😮 That would be so cool! 🎉
Did anyone else notice that the Stranger Things characters were absent from the list, both for the new characters in 2v8 question, and what characters need a remodel question?
Imagine something from Cthulhu mythos. Like shoggoth or mi-go.
I really want the counjuring as a killer it would be sooooo cool
I'd kill for a TVD chapter. Even if it was just a paragraph I'd be so grinning ear to ear.
Dexter Morgen would be such a cool killer thats not on the list
imagine jeepers creepers being a killer
Spawn Hellboy comic book horrors is nice
I definitely wouldn’t put too much stock into these survey lists for licenses. They just list everything. Even Teletubbies for some reason.
Also, Ghost Face wasn’t announced for Mortal Kombat today, he was announced like a month or two ago.
Who cares they need to take a step back and focus on fixing their game stop adding more problems
I want to know what makes them choose some of these licenses and how it would work. Like is it Top 3 most voted, they’ll get into contact with the people associated with said license? It would be hilarious to see Teletubbies or WWE
Where is the link to this survey?
schmuckles ur hair is FINE dont forget it😅
Weird that the grudge wasn't on it
WWE being on this list is crazy 😂
I see Until Dawn being a possibility because of the new PS5 and PC versions coming out soon
I hope that if we did get Sidney that we would get skins for ghostface like Billy and stu. Maybe a rework to better fit the movie ghostface
If Slenderman gets added I'll literally die of surprise. I want him in DBD, I just really doubt it'll actually happen.
I rlly want them to do an until dawn chapter, the killer m characters are so unique to dbd it would def be a hit
Please give us the Indoraptor Behavior i would Buy this Dlc the First Second when it comes out
Friday the 13th, IT, Outlast, Terrifier and the Conjuring are all I need in this game
Scooby Doo unironically just makes sense 😭 Seeing that franchise in this type of setting would be such a fun take on characters we know and love
Bro pale lady from scary stories to tell in the dark is so a must
Quite a small list this time around. Still, they have a lot of the big anime that I'd be interested in seeing in some form.
I wonder if they'd ever add League of Legends to the survey so they can see if people want the horrific demon that is Fiddlesticks.
Idk who I’d need to reach out to but with a new leprechaun movie in the works I feel like a lot of people would love another chucky sized killed and I’m really hoping if they do the use the Warwick version he’s the best portrayal and correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t behavior work with tri mark?
The thing would be amazing
Im PRAYING for a huge Universal Monsters chapter
SLENDERMAN or terrifier would be so sick
What do we answer to get this to pop up?
I actually really want Homelander from the boys
i could so see that i feel like he would fit so well
Would be interesting to see a Soulsborne character in the game.
I wonder, who would be the killer and who would be the survivor?
the fact that nobody's mentioning WWE's place on the list is sad, that has potential to be a really good chapter. Imagine a Bray Wyatt killer, that would go so hard. Obviously that would be very unlikely, especially now that he is dead and many would probably see it as disrespectful, but I don't think it would be. Seeing The Fiend as a playable character would be so cool, and they could even make the Wyatt Compound/Firefly Funhouse a map.
I hope once the Blumhouse DBD movie comes out that we get Jack the Clown from Universal Studios Halloween Horror Nights, even if it's just a Legendary skin for The Clown, i WANT HIM
Postal is not on the list 😢😢😢