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A guide covering EVERYTHING you need to know about Weskerโ€™s hug tech. My old video I made back when I first discovered it is pretty outdated, so it was time for an update.

0:00 โ€“ Intro and FPSโ€™s effects on Hug Tech
5:30 โ€“ UI Method
7:20 โ€“ New Flick and Click Method
9:28 โ€“ Flick Method vs Manual Hugs
11:58 โ€“ Skinny Bert Logic
20:24 โ€“ Effects of Look Angle on Momentum/Velocity
21:33 โ€“ Moonbounds
23:37 โ€“ Scootslides
27:47 โ€“ Outro

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45 thoughts on “EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT WESKER HUG TECH | Dead by Daylight Wesker Guide”

  1. at 27:06 u said: "but holding it the entire time will transition you into the chainbound window more smoothly"

    but what u actually meant to say was: "but holding it BEFORE ur first bound ends will transition you into the chainbound window more smoothly"


    It doesnt matter if you hold the button the entire time or not, is just matters if u hold the button b4 the first bound ends or am I wrong?

  2. So Iโ€™m a ps5 player trying to learn how to hug tech. I had the ps4 ver of the game so Iโ€™ll upgrade it for the extra frames and try to learn it. Thank you for explaining the frames Iโ€™ve wasted a lot of time lmao

  3. To bad Ps5 and all the other consoels cant hug tech reliably or consistently because of the lower framerate.

    Wesker has the same issue that nurse and blight have… he potential on console and his overall strength is limited because of the lower sensitivity and fps.

  4. Bro, i absolutely love u because i was playing for some months always on 120 fps and i also learned before on console how to hug tech and i was always wondering why i don't get as far as before with my hug techs so big thanks man <3

  5. Amazing video and in depth guide. Watched your video on snagging a survivor through shack window at the proper timing and angle and was actually able to pull it off randomly in game a few weeks after watching it. W videos keep it up

  6. WOW, that is a fat knowledge bomb! Thanks for the update about the technical tidbits, thatโ€™s actually insanely helpful. I never knew that the predetermined bump distance actually gimps your hugtechs, Iโ€™ll be keeping that in mind!

  7. Nice and very information video.
    I also want to add:

    You also can set your fps with game folder settings.
    Location are : C:Users"profile_name"AppDataLocalDeadByDaylightSavedConfigWindowsClient and click on GameUserSettings folder. Don't forget after setting the fps, right click folder and in properties set "Read only" to save change in folder to save the settings and the game will not change them.


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