Evidence 493 All Billies are Gigachads – Dead by Daylight

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32 thoughts on “Evidence 493 All Billies are Gigachads – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Good survivors bullying a bad killer is more entertaining because it's more drawn out. More opportunities for "shenanigans".
    Good killers stomping bad survivors just ends the match.

  2. To me Billy will never not have the highest skill ceiling in DbD
    Sure, virgin Blight and Nurse can get a down 2 million years earlier than a Billy can but they can never get even REMOTELY close to the satisfaction of getting a curve down.
    I will die on this hill(billy) if i have to.

  3. Might seem more fun cause even good billies struggle to pull off curves. Requires too much set up, practice, and experience and isn't even consistent enough to make it strong. The billy will spend most of the game setting up for curves, lose all of their gens, get maybe 4-5 hooks if they're good, then usually get left with a 3 man escape.

    Unlike playing against a bad killer player the billy is still putting up a somewhat decent chase however he's not destroying solo queue teams and putting a whole lot of pressure on them unless they start screwing up big time so there's nothing to complain about.

  4. Ive been playing billy for the event, turns out a speed limit hit gives 1700 bp and you get to do more chasing (especially cause im still getting used to billy again), cause they dont go down. literally a win-win

  5. Y'know what they should do. A billy addon that removes all pallets on the map, but removes your ability to M1, even when carrying a survivor.

  6. Nothing inspires me more to play Billy than watching Billy

    Also, can confirm everyone just screws around in a Billy match. Had 1v1s on Sheltered Woods as Billy and only one guy did gens

  7. More like wall hacking frauds, most times.
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    -No future for being right

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    When does it fk end you monster?Algorithm illegally blocked.

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    YT my posts turn invisible for fraud, not even warned.

    Twitch-Mods harass me every day by fk with settings

    ALL OF YOU: Ignore the rape of everyone with complacency

    What's left of me: The last god damn truth in social media? Starting to feel so.

    -No future for being right

    -No hope for being right

    -Assaulted on the entire internet for being right

    -Targeted, cyberstalked, and hacked for being right.

    When does it fk end you monster?Algorithm illegally blocked.

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    Reddit (Completely fascist,) no honesty allowed at all. Completely blocked

    YT my posts turn invisible for fraud, not even warned.

    Twitch-Mods harass me every day by fk with settings

    ALL OF YOU: Ignore the rape of everyone with complacency

    What's left of me: The last god damn truth in social media? Starting to feel so.

    -No future for being right

    -No hope for being right

    -Assaulted on the entire internet for being right

    -Targeted, cyberstalked, and hacked for being right.

    When does it fk end you monster?

  8. You thought illegally making my posts invisible would help you criminals? Not cool YT!
    Algorithm illegally blocked.

    Twitch illegally blocked

    Reddit (Completely fascist,) no honesty allowed at all. Completely blocked

    YT my posts turn invisible for fraud, not even warned.

    Twitch-Mods harass me every day by fk with settings

    ALL OF YOU: Ignore the rape of everyone with complacency

    What's left of me: The last god damn truth in social media? Starting to feel so.

    -No future for being right

    -No hope for being right

    -Assaulted on the entire internet for being right

    -Targeted, cyberstalked, and hacked for being right.

    When does it fk end you monster?Algorithm illegally blocked.

    Twitch illegally blocked

    Reddit (Completely fascist,) no honesty allowed at all. Completely blocked

    YT my posts turn invisible for fraud, not even warned.

    Twitch-Mods harass me every day by fk with settings

    ALL OF YOU: Ignore the rape of everyone with complacency

    What's left of me: The last god damn truth in social media? Starting to feel so.

    -No future for being right

    -No hope for being right

    -Assaulted on the entire internet for being right

    -Targeted, cyberstalked, and hacked for being right.

    When does it fk end you monster?Algorithm illegally blocked.

    Twitch illegally blocked

    Reddit (Completely fascist,) no honesty allowed at all. Completely blocked

    YT my posts turn invisible for fraud, not even warned.

    Twitch-Mods harass me every day by fk with settings

    ALL OF YOU: Ignore the rape of everyone with complacency

    What's left of me: The last god damn truth in social media? Starting to feel so.

    -No future for being right

    -No hope for being right

    -Assaulted on the entire internet for being right

    -Targeted, cyberstalked, and hacked for being right.

    When does it fk end you monster?

  9. i really want bhvr to buff billy again he is one of the most fun killers to play against and if he was stronger like he used to he would actually be fun to play too
    i really think they are missing an opportunity here

  10. I 100& prefer matches like this one where both sides just mess around and have fun, even if I end up losing, to matches where both sides sweat their balls off trying to win at all costs. It's both more relaxing and infinitely more fun this way.


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