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Hey all! I've gotten some people saying they don't enjoy the skits so much so I'm trying to mix it up with a highlight in the video! Please let me know if you prefer this or the skits! Ty!
Endgame chucky with no tv?
I love waking up to a new Stalky video 👌🏽
Chucky endgame
What do you mean it wont work soon you can break pallets more now because you can now break pallets in hidey ho in the coming update and it doesnt require hard hat anymore it works even better
Imma try this with micheal myers lol
WOO, NEW VID!!! I prefer the highlight myself. Also, kinda bummed we didn't get any chaos shuffle videos.
To be honest I just skip the video until the gameplay starts. I would use the endgame green add-on over hardhat, hardhat is quite bad imo. The survivors should just run away if they know you have it and since Chucky is 4.4 ehhhh.
Either way enjoying the video!
what is that at 19:27?? it looks like a crow spawned there in its default pose, or a survivor teleported idk
Wait why won't work soon?
I definitely prefer skits over a highlight. They always make me laugh
I prefer skits.
How you doing? I been playing Total war Warhammer 3 and grounded (yeah the game where its like honey i shrunk the kids) been fun!
Im thinking if ceoss progression comes to dbd in a good way (not too many stupid caveats)….that i'm prob going to play some on pc. Been wanting to play xeno alot, seen a bunch of videos and read that long guide for him.
And i believe i understand how he works alot better. Definitely think ill enjoy him considering how similar he is to nemmy. When you drag with his tail you wanna just use your movement to drag it rather than your aiming (which is kinda opposite to nemmy). You can hit over objects or drag it in interesting ways so that u can hit a turret and a survivor with one tail attack etc.
P100 Chucky when 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥