Yes, welcome to pallet town. I brought pallet deleting build wraith to this map and survivor still can somehow find a pallet to stun me when they finish 5 gens.
First, distract target. Then, predict his moonwalk. Counter with dropping pallet on his head.
Discombobulate. '
Dazed, he’ll attempt to use his chain powers. Employ breaking with terrain. And dropping of god pallets. Block line of sight. Now fracture morale by holding W. Traumatize Killer with swift dodge into lock. Dislocate will to continue this chase for the 4k.
Hatch escape.
In summary, ears ringing, ego fractured, three blood vessels bursting, 4k lost, sanity hemorrhaging.
Physical recovery: six weeks.
Full psychological recovery?
Sees Pinhead muttering god pallet in fetal position in a corner
Dweet is Bae!
Dweet uses meta perks
He's starting to believe
Yes, welcome to pallet town. I brought pallet deleting build wraith to this map and survivor still can somehow find a pallet to stun me when they finish 5 gens.
meta perk user
I don't think I've ever seen a sweatier build
quadruple mad grit is no joke
monkaS build
All those god pallets and Pinhead still almost came
Omg how I hate youtube miniatures covering the whole damn video at the end
First, distract target. Then, predict his moonwalk. Counter with dropping pallet on his head.
Dazed, he’ll attempt to use his chain powers. Employ breaking with terrain. And dropping of god pallets. Block line of sight. Now fracture morale by holding W. Traumatize Killer with swift dodge into lock. Dislocate will to continue this chase for the 4k.
Hatch escape.
In summary, ears ringing, ego fractured, three blood vessels bursting, 4k lost, sanity hemorrhaging.
Physical recovery: six weeks.
Full psychological recovery?
Sees Pinhead muttering god pallet in fetal position in a corner
Six months.
4 Mad Grits such a meta chaser smh my head i thought you were better than this benjo
at least run bloodwarden or something
i like how the preview clips are 3 consecutive pallet drops and then you getting hit lol
Every Mad Grit represents another god pallet
Opened the lockers and found a pallet there.
He broke this man to the point all he does is repeat 😱
I don't mean to sound rude but do you not think using mad grit 4 times seems a bit OP? Just saying 😒
Survivors: It's all Mad Grit?
Killer: Always has been.
If 4 mad grits are this OP imagine what happens when BHVR adds Boon Totem : Maddest Grit
funnily enough you would've probably escaped even if it weren't for that locker play because of how bad cenobite's chains are
You've traumatized the poor man
Benjo tracended existence himself in the game
To understand Mad grit, you must feel the mad grit, become the mad grit, MULTIPLY THE MAD GRIT
Why use only 1 mad grit when you can use 4!!!
Unfortunately I understand the killer's pain. The amount of god pallets in this map is ridiculous.
The game map is a pain in the ass if the survivor has even a 20 iq to hit the drop pallet button, but you have the game map and 220 iq. Gross.
Dude only uses clutch perks, the almighty mad grit 😂
Man imagine if you stack perks in 2021,4 x mad grit would make it so you a survivor wouldn’t be able to wiggle for 16 seconds! If only 😔
The rare entitled killer main.
Ngl, that was pretty cool
He's beginning to believe.
"the game" map experience in one comment
Neo is in a whole new Matrix now.