Evolved Dwight locker play – Dead By Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

Sorry Pinhead
#dbd #dbdshorts #dbdclips


32 thoughts on “Evolved Dwight locker play – Dead By Daylight”

  1. First, distract target. Then, predict his moonwalk. Counter with dropping pallet on his head.


    Dazed, he’ll attempt to use his chain powers. Employ breaking with terrain. And dropping of god pallets. Block line of sight. Now fracture morale by holding W. Traumatize Killer with swift dodge into lock. Dislocate will to continue this chase for the 4k.

    Hatch escape.

    In summary, ears ringing, ego fractured, three blood vessels bursting, 4k lost, sanity hemorrhaging.

    Physical recovery: six weeks.

    Full psychological recovery?

    Sees Pinhead muttering god pallet in fetal position in a corner

    Six months.


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