EXCESSIVE ANTI-HEAL LEGION! | Dead by Daylight (The Legion Gameplay Commentary)

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Excessive anti-heal is the best anti-heal build. Enjoy this gameplay commentary as The Legion in Dead by Daylight from my recent Twitch livestream!
Dead by Daylight
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5 thoughts on “EXCESSIVE ANTI-HEAL LEGION! | Dead by Daylight (The Legion Gameplay Commentary)”

  1. Dude, I have a good idea for legion change to make his power deadly even after 2 or 3 hits, not only after 4, just read it 'till end.

    Basically, when you are in frenzy, every time you hit a survivor who DIDN'T have a deep wound, you gain 1 "chain token" (which you lose after frenzy ends). If you hit survivor with deep wound in frenzy, you deplete their deep wound — 5 seconds per "chain token", so if you hit 4 survivors without deep wound, and then hit any survivor after this, you will instadown them like it works right now. But even after 3 hits you will be able to deplete 15 seconds of deep wound to any survivor and them just force them to vault, drop pallets, etc., making them go down to deep wound.

    On the other other hand, you won't be able to just chase the same survivor and just use frenzy over and over on them, so I solved both problems.

    Ain't I a genius?

  2. I'm glad more people are using blood echo on Legion, I personally prefer it over thana as the "heal perk" even if it's worse as it gives me a sick joy to see them failing about when they can't press E or Lithe away after I catch them in a bad place


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