Eyrie Rework | Is the Map Still Awful? – Dead by Daylight

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Live 5 Nights a Week from BHVR’s map design RV in New Mexico

In this Dead by Daylight video I’ll be doing an analysis of The Eyrie of Crows rework coming in the midchapter patch for DBD. Has BHVR finally managed to make a decent map or are we getting another catastrophe?

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28 thoughts on “Eyrie Rework | Is the Map Still Awful? – Dead by Daylight”

  1. It being changed from a rectangle to a square is the important take away with concerns of size. Walking from the top half to the bottom half takes a while. Going from the left half to the right half won't take much longer, and going from the top half to the bottom half will be felt more. Pretty sure this was explicitly expressed intent with the shape change from the dev team.

  2. Imo if every map was more fair for both sides, I think dbd will actually be In its best state in terms of balance, sadly that is not the case, as the only realms in the game that I actually think can be considered balanced are Macmillan and autohaven. And I guess the two closest to balance are dead dawg and yamaoka.

    Some maps I hate more than others but it’s mostly garbage in… garbage out

  3. Oh man Choy, this video is gonna be one hell of a double sword, lucky for me I play killer a lot less then I use too. BTW, you been doing well Choy?

    By chance did you see the adrenaline bug on the PTB? It now works during EGC if you unhook a player using the perk they get healed to full!

  4. I checked this map with windows of opportunity and zanshin tactics, and i noticed there r very few pallets in the map, so this map looks balanced now, it might be my favourite outdoor map

  5. I'm gonna say this through my prospective gameplay, never in my time playing in that map have I seen myself surviving or seeing any strong loops. Maybe I'm just a bad player that played the game longer than I should (6½yrs). Still bad at looping.

    This map becoming more complex than it already is and people favoring it as Survivor sided? I hate this map, it's more worst than Sheltered Woods. Not to mention the gen spawns being close at times in 3-5 games.

    The killer's are the same, teammates are variable. My skill mediocre, and my opinion is unpopular with most. But this map just like a few of them, suck. (Yes entirely by my opinion)

    Not only the devs made it worst or a few players on survivors but more worst for killer's. I mean, literally I see more clutter than the old main 3 maps before they gotten redesigned.

    I just cannot with this game at times, the reason why I'm still playing is to make it to play Killer klowns and Texas Chainsaw. I'll keep coming back every event or if the Rift is worth playing.

    Liked the video, good work on the content

  6. Honestly, Freddy's maps need the rework more than anything I think. That map is not only huge but half the gens are above or below the ground floor meaning it's much harder to pressure these gens. There's also tons of pallets and natural loops. Plenty of places to hide and rat in as well. Not just that but there's LOTS of variants here that make this map a bigger problem than say Garden of Joy.

    Side note, the corn maps are actually WAY better on mobile and fit the corn issue significantly while maintaining theming. I was recently unable to play regular DBD so I tried mobile version and this map was one of the better maps in the game. I'd love to see you take a look at it and give your thoughts!

  7. Meanwhile im over here im still missing the old Haddonfield map mostly because it felt like your were in the Halloween movie unlike the new Haddonfield where it feels completely generic😩

  8. It´s not surprising to me that different mains and people on different levels in MMR have radically different perspectives, but we have just seen 6 months of crushing changes that made the entry point into DBD too strong an obstacle, the escape rate plunge by 8% and a 50% loss in the player base year over year. I don’t disagree that maps are unbalanced, but to what end do killer mains want to make it harder and sweatier? We probably can all agree that high ego SWFs are the source of much of this.

  9. “better than the original, but still problematic for certain killers”

    haha so is every other map. Doubt we will ever get a perfect map. This rework is much better and is very much welcomed.

  10. They basically turned Eerie of Crows into Shattered Square (the Forged in Fog map), and it's really sad that Eerie of Crows was so bad that becoming the Shattered Square instead is actually a substantial improvement.

  11. I think if they want to keep the light poles for balance, the killer should be able to look at them to roughly gauge how complete the generator is from further away by how much the lights are flickering and the intensity of the lights. Outdoor maps tend to be the most survivor sided, so something like that would help remediate the issue of needing more information perks on outdoor maps versus indoor maps.

  12. If garden of joy is really gonna be next, I hope there's a chance to have again those completely dark area
    It's quite bs that the main lore thing 'bout dredge and that map was changed because someone didn't like to have no idea if someone or something was hiding there, for me was one of the best thing a map could have and also a way to have some random funny (or panick) moments


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