Fast 3 Blink Nurse w/ These New Addons! | Dead by Daylight

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Using a combination of new addons after the nurse rework to make a (sorta) 3 blink nurse that movies 110% speed, which is as fast as killers like Huntress/Hag/Spirit. This combo works extremely well and can be super fun to play around with. The addons we’re using are Jenner’s Last Breath and Matchbox

Thumbnail render made by Ev3ntic! Check her out here​​​/

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25 thoughts on “Fast 3 Blink Nurse w/ These New Addons! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Match box nurse is kinda what I expected BHVR to nerf her down to. One blink but move at 110%. This would still make her pretty deadly at loops and not as deadly but still viable out in the open. Also it would mean the now useless perks for her can now be used in some fashion.

  2. Survivors be like "OmG tHiS kIlLeR iS tOo StRoNg!!!" meanwhile they bring, dead hard, DS, unbreakable, distortion, styptic medkits, BNP toolboxes and a double strap-on to peg the killer and the entity at the same time

  3. sick video + im excited to finally see a video of this nurse skin. the hand looks really cool! I had been debating buying this skin, but seeing there is a recolor in the rift is exciting. looking forward to more of your stuff

  4. in that first game, how did they manage to get zero gens done? when you went to get that envelope for bloodpoints, that was your first time on that side of the map for the entire game. there are generators on that side. were they just not trying?


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