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#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight


34 thoughts on “FINISHING MORI WONT CHANGE A THING! Dead by Daylight”

  1. Haven't played this in awhile but I just seen that ruin is going to deactivate after you get a kill why I thought the whole point of hex perks were to be strong because the player could could just get rid of them

  2. I disagree with you on this one Tru3, on the sole premise of it nullifying the entire hatch mechanic in the event everyone gets downed and one ambitious survivor crawls away looking for it. It nullifies the chance that those 2 you were letting crawl away had unbreakable and soul guard, guarenteeing the game continues. If everyone is perkless sure its balanced and nothing changes but we know that isn't the case. Finisher mori will prune out some of the most fun and satisfying survivor turnaround moments (killer main btw) and it just doesn't feel needed. I'm loving that killer is finally feeling strong but it feels like they are just paving the way for a new buyable cosmetic: Finisher Mori Cosmetic Slot!

  3. I think the New Moris biggest "problem" (if I'm understanding correctly) will be the psychological impact it'll have on Killers – now that they know if all 4 are down, it's just an instant kill + Mori, you're going to have a lot more killers run slugging builds and ignore hooking all together because it "feels" more rewarding. It's not unbalanced, in fact, it's basically the same result as if you got 4 people down live, but it's going to lead to an uptick in unfun behavior. The reason why so many folks say DBD is a party game is because so much of whether the match is fun at most levels (obv. not the high end though) is in the killers hands. If the killer tunnels/camps/slugs survivors at average and lower levels, the game is really easy and unfun. It's hard to say though, they're changing so much with next patch, the game is going to play and feel much different now.

  4. i never slug for 4k it wastes so much time but unbreakable at base kit really hurts and kills killer pressure we only had this pressure leave survivor on ground chase other and hope survivors leave gen and come for the save with this gone only thing killers will do is hardcore tunnelling at 5 gens i wouldnt be suprised if they buff ds and make it basekit

  5. Nothing much changes with unbreakable being basekit now. All they did was make unbreakable meta again and it's going to be as common as old DS. Slugging isn't really viable when everyone in the match had unbreakable on

  6. dont wanna sound negative and sound like im being an asshole but sadly you wouldn't of gotten the mori when you downed the Claudette cause survivor 1 (the first yui) who was downed at 5:17 woulda picked herself up by the time you downed survivor 2 (Yui #2) at 6:01 so sadly last chance still wouldn't of triggered when you down survivor 3 (Claudette) at 6:15 which brings you back at two slugged and not getting end game mori causing you to go for another chase and then the second yui picking herself up, still doesn't change the fact that end game mori still wont do anything but just wanted to point out that this "Op KiLlEr MeChAnIc" still wouldn't of ended the game their cause of the actually busted survivor mechanic being added to the game. oh and the first yui getting up is with just base kit Unbreakable of 45 seconds before allowing her to be picked up which is not even taking in the fact of if she was running the unbreakable perk to bring it down to 22.5 seconds, so uhmm killer op? nerf mori mechanic? damn killer sided devs stop always buffing killer so much lol XD

  7. With the new mori system they won’t be able to use unbreakable like that situation 3 down if 1 of them had unbreakable they would be up with the new mori system no chance for that all down insta dead

  8. People who fear the truth, speak out against the truth, and try and silence those who speak the truth… aren't going to ever speak any form of truth lmao. You'd think that'd be common sense but stupidity is alive and well. Persistent little shit stupidity is. 🙄

  9. The Mori implementation would actually have changed the outcome, except in the survivors favor lol. It took 58 seconds to down the last survivor from the first so the first survivor would have been up running around for 18 seconds…damn that Mori is op

  10. yo! the change is not made to "stop" this situation in the vid, but to stop moments where the killer decides to slug everyone down, let the third man bleed out and go for the 4th one and instead of hook the last one he makes him bleed ou on the floor. basically faster games and improved user experience. 🙂

  11. You can’t give hatch in the new system, power struggle would no longer come into play as a difference maker with the girl under pallet, you wouldn’t have been able to slug those three for so long wdym nothing changes

  12. I think people are thinking it’s OP for the reason of not having to pick the survivors up if all slugged for the win because some perks maybe could’ve gotten them off the killers shoulders that could still turn the game around such as power struggle for example yes you can still active power struggle with unbreakable but let’s say there’s a situation where there’s 3 people left and all slugged but you were maybe the second down and unbreakable isn’t completely full yet you can still get power struggle off and change the whole game around again. I also think it’ll probably create less hatch chances or escapes more often at the end of games not saying it definitely will because it’s all situational but I feel like most killers would now go for the ending mori chance which would drop survivor draw rates and be more of you win or you lose. But once again it’s all situational a good swf/team you’re still having a hard match with still possibly no kills at all.

  13. Isn't it weird how even the auto-mori is partly a survivor benefit? Stops a BM killer from holding the game hostage by slugging.
    And, yeah, as other comments say, if UB were basekit, it would have made Yui 02's run around the shack a success instead of a game-ending failure. She bought enough time to force pick up at pallet, or Yui 04 gets up for free. Claudette just has to stay on gens to deny the auto-mori. In short, as I see it, risky plays around a down teammate will get rewarded, even if they fail, just like Exponential bully squads do now.


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