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Today we take Michael Myers and make him into a Bulldozer with a fun and laid back build!
I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay and Rank 1 Myers Gameplay!
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#dbd #Myers #DeadbyDaylight #redsgaminggears #BHVR #intothefog
Love you Red
Love you Red
My man still worked on a video sick? What a Chad. Red pls get some rest and get well!
Hadn't seen a Myers build in a while! You think Superior Anatomy could be applied to Bamboozle?
Always love your vids Red
Awesome brother appreciate the late night entertainment
Fr I love your videos red u should have more views the this
Appreciate the off meta style
I really hoped Myers would get a buff.
So after you got to stage 3 I’m just watching the blood start to dip from like an inch away from the blade and I’m like oh come devs that’s such an easy thing to see how did you miss it?
I'd take coup over fire up
I personally like running Cue over Fire up just for the super tier 3 lunges but still a super fun build and was a fun watch!
This works only with 4 noob survs
This video is one of the best I’ve ever watched
Mods ban him