First Impressions TRICKSTER BUFF | Dead By Daylight PTB PATCH 5.1.0

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About me:
My name is Morf, 30 something living in England UK, it rains here a lotโ€ฆ
Grew up on Age of Empires, MohAA and COD, but Iโ€™ve built my community in Dead By Daylight with a lot of horror and other random releases along the way.

Iโ€™ve been streaming now for over 4 years, I go live 6 days a week on Twitch.
Video games have always been a huge part of my life so starting to stream just felt like the right thing to do.
Hopefully, I can share some great experiences and hilarious moments with you all here on Youtube as our community continues to grow!
Thanks for all the amazing support, catch you all soon!


#PTB #DBD #Morf #Capcom #Biohazard
Keywords *ignore*: Dead By Daylight, DBD, dbd, dead by daylight new killer, Resident Evil DBD, Resident evil dead by daylight, Resident Evil Chapter DBD, Dead By Daylight Resident Evil, dbd resident evil killer, dbd resident evil chapter, First Impressions BUFFED Trickster | Dead By Daylight PTB PATCH 5.1.0 , trickster ptb, trickster buff ptb


14 thoughts on “First Impressions TRICKSTER BUFF | Dead By Daylight PTB PATCH 5.1.0”

  1. They buffed the wrong aspect of him, he is very unfun with the changes.
    Now he is huntress with way more room for mistakes… while he needed map pressure. Seriously, unless it's very specific, on the very edge hatchet hit, he now takes survivors down faster than her.

    Move laceration back to 8, make it never go away on it's own, but being able to be mended (survivors can, but don't have to mend, giving interesting choice of risking rushing the objective while vulnerable or doing it safe, but slower). Also make main event not got away, rather just like Oni's power – you gain it, you have it, free to use when ever.

    Boom, Trickster solved, not broken in chases, but rather strong still while having at least some kind of map control and his 'ultimate' being actually useable. Biggest downside of main event is the fact you can't use it when you actually need it.

  2. I've only just started liking Trickster and now they're going to ruin him. He'll be dumbfuck easy, everyone will play as him, but survivors will HATE him so I can never play him again. This is so sadge.

  3. I already had a hard enough time countering against him before his buff – if the trickster I was facing had good aim then Iโ€™d go from injured to down before I could even make it to a tile or even make it behind something. This is miserable.

  4. I main him currently before the nerf heโ€™s not the easiest and I think he needed a buff but this is over board in my opinion I think they should maybe reduce the amount of blades he can carry like 30 maybe

  5. Literally struggled when someone DCโ€™d almost immediately after the game started, yeah this killer is totally OP.

    (this is sarcasm, this killer is awful and still incredibly bad, heโ€™s stronger but still meh)

  6. Scott made my favorite trickster buff idea: Put him back how he was. Remove the decay timer on his blades. Survivors now have an option to 'remove blade' like Doctor's 'snap out of it'. Now either trickster gets game slowdown or survivors can pick how risky they want to play, and his chase is unaffected.

  7. Well as long as bhvr listens to the 12 year old killer mains that sit on their forum all day, this is what we will get. Killer que times are already getting past 10 minutes and will only get worse because survivor isnโ€™t fun to play. They nerfed maps, pallets, windows, ds, and more. All while making killers faster, with range attacks, and the same 4 busted perks.

    Yet itโ€™s so โ€œhardโ€ to play killer if it requires any skill or doesnโ€™t grant the player and insta 4K. Fuck off Bhvr lol.


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