Franklins Demise Bubba & Deathslinger – Dead by Daylight

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Today’s dead by daylight vod is just me Bully Survivors with franklins. Its a great time and overall i had a ton of fun during this stream! Franklins perk always brings me joy.New Killer Trickster Coming soon! Blight and Wraith Changes coming as well! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the Rank 1 Killer Gameplay!

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24 thoughts on “Franklins Demise Bubba & Deathslinger – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I hate playing slinger like going against him and hate playing or playing against bubba also if you havent already you shuld do a basement demo or do it agian of you want to

  2. So I have been playing dbd for almost 2 years now, but I always hated leatherface and the whole just go through windows and use pallets early gets old. Any tips to counter his power other than a window 50/50 or wasting every single pallet in the map?

  3. That first team ? I don’t think I’ve seen a player outside of purple in a month. Is it time of day I wonder. I can only play after 10pm est . Are day lobbies baby survivor time ? Anyone play both confirm ?

  4. Damn…
    My heart is beating like 100 times per minute because of my last killer game.
    When spawned Discordance IMMEDIATELY went off and I ran to that gen, downed a survivor with a lot of effort (it was a short like 10-15 seconds chase but he had a good tile and got bloodlusted)
    Picked him up – hooked.
    And 3 gens poped!
    I had a fumming tape and saw another gen (the fourth gen) being ninetynined!
    I still decided to chase someone else and they started to break the hooks with toolboxes.
    I downed Felix than he got rescued by Jake which broke the hook.
    Knowing I had no chance at making even a 3K I… sorry but I decided to camp the other Jake who had Saboteur.
    He died on the second hook since he had reached the second hook state from the first hook.
    And the funny thing is those poses denied to admit the genrush and blamed me for camping.
    But never thought about themselves making me CAMP.
    To put it shortly classic DBD community.


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