Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Hey all it’s PotatoLegion here I hope you’re keeping very well!
In todays video we are experimenting with Legions new add-ons!
Franks mixtape and Brutal strength allow you to QUICKLY kick a generator while in chase and apply the call of brine affect.
So you can defend generators.. while CHASING!
Introduction (0:00)
Gameplay 1 (2:09)
Gameplay 2 (20:00)
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Thank you all very much for watching! I hope to see you all in my future videos
– PotatoLegion aka “Spud”
🎵Ending Music by: – “Blues” 🎵
#DeadbyDaylight #intothefog #DBD #BHVR #Legion #shirtmysurvivor #horror #multiplayer
ngl Frank and Julie's mixtapes are my favorite, they just bang out so hard haha
Have you tried Fuming Mix Tape and Surveillance? it sounds preety good
You should use mural sketch and never sleep pills, it's a great combo
I can’t believe this underage neon cat child is a killer….
Potato Corner 🥔
Try Never Sleep Pills, it doubles your duration but at the cost of your speed which is no big deal if you have pwyf
otz said in his video that the devs told him the double pallets are some sort of bug in the house of pain and will be reduced to 1 down there
Super fun build! Come on update!
I really love this channel! Thank you for such great content. <3
mural sketch is def good, but i was thinking about using iri mixtape with franks for the regression that stacks with call of brine.
Lunging at the end of Feral Frenzy is so smart for a pinch of distance. Noted!
How do you get that knife
It's now way more easy to put tremendous pressure with almost no penalty to chase potential.
Definitely B tier.
Although they are a bit perk dependent.
Plus add-on dependent for maximum potential.
Ahhh, yes, more legion buffs… bc that’s a killer that truly needs one. While trapper is consistently left in the cold. But hey, something something gotta keep popular killer players happy.
I notice you keep saying you get 0.1 m/s when it’s base increase is 0.2 m/s
Random thought but upon learning about the legion bug where you can hit hooked survivors for your chain would it be possible that bug has also extended to bubbas chainsaw with the iri flesh?
The add on that increases lunge distance in frenzy and the add on the increases speed per hit could probably swing through dead hard assuming you don’t get validated and your swing doesn’t get cut short
I said it in another comment I'm glad for the legion changes just wish they'd help keep up the high octane chase for longer in the game. Currently once one survivor is out you aren't getting the 5 hits to down so I propose as the survivor count goes down the required hits to down do as well. 5 for 4 survivors, 4 for 3, and 3 for 2. So that the fast paced chasing gameplay maintains throughout the majority of the match.
For those curious, this is what each mixtape adds to the music.
That whole first game it took you so long to actually kick your first gen but great chases lmao, you just ran them all down, I just found it funny you said the build was mainly for kicking gens in feral and you didn’t do it until like 15 minutes in 😂😂😂 ggs though you’re spooky