Freddy & Hillbilly buffs, FOV slider & more! | Dead by Daylight

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BHVR held a Q&A on their Reddit and announced several notable changes coming into Dead by Daylight; the implementation of an FOV slider is happening, new gamemodes and buffs for both Freddy and The Hillbilly!
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36 thoughts on “Freddy & Hillbilly buffs, FOV slider & more! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Adjustable FOV kinda doesn't suit the game that is Dead by Daylight. I think the standard FOV is completely fine for the game as it is. there's perks to increase it, now obviously they're terrible, but still. A solid FOV means there's no FOV advantages on Dead by Daylight, they REMOVED stretched resolution due to an increased FOV…

    Yes, they're 100% referring to killer and first person, however I use their lower field of view to sneak behind them whilst walking in order to unhook someone shortly after whilst they're carrying them to the hook.

  2. I just love how people are just so indecisive about Freddy he was in a really good spot for a good while but then everyone cried he was too op so he got nerfed into the shadow realm and now everyone cries that Freddy is ass and wants him to be buffed πŸ™ƒ

  3. They got me all wrong, besides the terrible Jackie Earle Haley appearance.
    I am not able to attack people when they're awake. FACT.
    The fix should be this:
    DREAM WORLD: All corrupt intervention gens. No pallets. Scratched Mirror Myers effect.
    Asleep survivors see other asleep survivors but not the ones who are awake.
    WAKING WORLD: Alarms allow survivors to vanish from my sight if they complete them.
    Survivors can't see me when they're awake. I should not either.
    Survivors when asleep are flat out passed out (bleed-out animation) on the ground.
    Awake survivors can still wake up their teammates (clapping animation).
    If I grab them at an alarm before they complete it, I am pulled into the waking world.
    Nobody falls asleep anymore. I am weakened.
    No gen slow-downs work. No killer perks are active after I'm pulled out.
    Now I cannot teleport to gens.
    My only power in the waking world is crawling up the walls and on ceilings.

  4. I don't understand how they openly admit that it's terrible to play against the Skull Merchant but at the same time don't kill switch her. I know right now is the archive where she got challenges but right now i want to die every single round I have to face her

  5. Hopefully some Dredge add-ons rework too 😭 His add-ons are NOTHING compared to Myers tombstone/infinite tier III, Huntress one-hit hatchet and other really good killer add-ons

  6. Isnt an FOV slider kind of a big buff to killers? Like literally it might move kill rates a few % points higher. It should make it harder harder for survivors to tech, juke, or spin killers.

  7. When I look at dull merchant, it feels like BHVR is a bad sibling that tells you to pick up something then yell "omg why did you pick it up!?" In regards to the 3 Gen playstyle.


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