Full Breakdown and Reaction To The Developer Update Part 1 | Dead By Daylight

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As it is 2022, Behaviour Interactive has officially released their first glimpse into major changes we can see coming to the systems within Dead By Daylight. Most of the changes in this Developer Update seem to be good! I wish MMR were a bit more investigated but we will see what happens in time


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My name is Dyllon! I have played Dead By Daylight for about 1.5 years now strictly on my Twitch page. After being asked time and time again about how to get into the game, I decided to try my hand at making guides to help players.

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30 thoughts on “Full Breakdown and Reaction To The Developer Update Part 1 | Dead By Daylight”

  1. Happy New Year! Thank you for being one of the few content creators (fog whisperers) to read the comments (and reply sometimes) and even go out of your way to address our (the rest of the community’s/regular players; ie like me) concerns to the developers!

  2. I hope they buff legion somehow! I know they aren’t as bad, but I still feel like compared to other killers, legion is still an underdog and underpowered (imo) can’t wait what they have in store!

  3. I also think voice chat shouldn’t be an implementation. As a swf it’s already hard for the killer to counter (especially if they’re really well coordinated) it just puts the killer at a disadvantage. I’m not even a killer main but I have tried to play killer and some teams even in low ranks are pretty coordinated. I think keeping voice chat off is a good idea to keep everyone at a fair advantage.

  4. oi oi oi it's great to see your face on this platform! it all sounds great. i think the solo q HUD thing that'd show what each mate is doing is interesting. maybe they wouldn't give too much info but enough if it showed what category of action the mate is doing e.g. sitting on a gen shows the objective category icon and so on

  5. I'm pretty excited for the Wiggle changes. Ramming my fingers into A and D like I'm trying to breach Helm's Deep feels like an old relic, especially after the changes to smashing space bar for struggling on the hook. I'm also excited for the HUD potential changes. In those rare moments where I get a long chase going, it feels like I'm in a blank room and told that if I wait two hours, I'll be able to leave. Knowing what others are doing and seeing that in some fashion would help alleviate my mind from going "PLEASE BE DOING SOMETHING GOOD LORD THIS CHASE IS STRESS".

  6. SBMM has highlighted game balance issues for sure. I think the system is, when you look at the broad middle of the playerbase, working as intended. However, that causes the knock-on effect that even skilled killers can't pressure four survivors at once due to just basic math and how the game works, especially when each individual survivor understands things like splitting up and spreading out across the map, when to (or not to) heal, and so on. If it takes the killer longer (Under SBMM vs before with Ranked matching) to down someone and the other three survivors are more likely to be focusing on objectives and have also spread out across the map, then that's a very tough hill for a killer player to climb. And in a lot of cases it's not just a case of "just play better 4Head" either, it's more that the game mechanics simply don't give them (the killer player) the headroom to work within.

    SBMM itself also has some failings, particularly at the extremes. As was noted in this dev update, new players were definitely getting matched with too highly skilled/experienced players, so it's good to see the idea of lowering the default skill rating. At the extreme high skill end, games are always going to be a little off since there's so few truly skilled players, there's is going to be more variance in skill from player to player, otherwise the high skill queues would take a hundred years and always contain the same small group of players.

    I think BHVR has the right idea in as much as, if they can increase the overall skill level of the playerbase then they can balance the game around those expectations and it should have the end result of making the games more fair overall. The main danger with this approach is that it further shears the line between somebody picking this game up on Day 1 through their first few months of playing, vs everyone at the 500 hours and up mark. That is worrying, because dbd already has this "just get kicked in the teeth for 400 – 500 hours, it'll get better!" gap in its onboarding, and there's only a certain number of people who are willing to sit through that, even if they see where the fun of the game could be found. The other danger is that it will take a while for that higher base skill to develop and for the game to be rebalanced around it, which means that current issues perpetuate in the meantime.

    There is also the unanswered question of what those balance changes would be, which is a whole other discussion.

  7. I wonder if they have any solution to players' toxicity instead. I am so sick of tbagging, clicky clicky and finger pointing while I am playing both sides, not just killer side.

  8. What balance changes do I want?! AT A MINIMUM BOON:COH needs a nerf. What I hope for is an entire revamp of the boon system boons as a concept are cool and great in reality having the power to ♾️ bless s totem over and over again is a pain in the ass.

    Especially when it comes three gen defenses I've had games where COH was on the other side of the map from my gens and s 3 gen defense turned into a 45m game of slugging since I couldn't leave my gens and survivors could go to the other side and Heal ♾️!!!!

  9. These updates sound fantastic!! I hope they figure something out for the icons for survivors because that would save the solo experience for the most part. (Perhaps break a little immersion) but people teabag, which breaks that entirely, hahaha.
    So, I'm excited about these! I think everyone did an outstanding job, and I'm pleased they're talking to the community about it.

  10. More than anything Im excited for the beta. As a console player having to wait for something to go onto live servers is agonising. Having the beta will at least allow console players to feel involved and having our thoughts and opinions matter.

  11. I dont like the skill check change after they lied about the hook change last year. they originally said all skill checks would be big and easy. then they gave up skill checks that get smaller and smaller. all while your trying to keep and eye on teammates and the killer. I die way more from missed skill checks then i ever did button mashing. wiggling is already broken it seems like you have to get 110 % to get off the shoulder. so many times your at 100 and you still get hooked

  12. Starting off with a dad joke 2022 looking good, missed your videos but hope you had a good break!

    I'm really excited for the Solo Queue updates (since I Solo queue mostly), I see lots of killers complaining already (now even Solo Queues will be tough to vs etc etc) but they gotta understand in order to 'buff' killers up to SWF levels, you have to help out the Solo Queues first or they're going to be left in the dust (exactly what you mentioned).

    I agree that Kindred shouldn't be basekit, but maybe a watered down version that only shows the killer's aura when near the hook (I know people will scoff that I'm even 'comparing' DBD mechanics to a 'silly game', but this is implemented in Propnight and works well enough. In fact there are tons of things in Propnight right now that I think could actually help DBD out but I won't clog up the comments with this XD)

    This will only help to identify camping which isn't an encouraged tactic anyway so you won't have the problem of solo queues leaving their gens to go for a save and wasting time when they realize the killer was there the whole time.


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